Welcome Cheng, Kang to Join China Democracy Party
Date: 7/23/2010 3:02:36 PM
Sender: CDP
Welcome Cheng, Kang, to Join China Democracy Party
On July 20, 2010 Mr. Wang, Jun, chairman of the China Democracy Party and China Democracy Party World Union received a mail from Cheng, Kang (pseudonym) , a friend living in Italy. The content was very touching. At the meantime, Cheng, Kang applied for joining the China Democracy Party.
Cheng, Kang(pseudonym) wrote in the mail: “For so many years, I have witnesses the cruel ruling of the CCP, which is corrupted and incapable, trampling human rights freely. The CCP always call themselves liberators. However, they have disturbed the country for its own benefit, kept all the fortune for their own use, and made the public work hardly for them. The Chinese public is living in hot water. My grandfather was persecuted mercilessly to death in the Anti-right Group Action in 1957. Such huge hate is carved in my heart. As a man, how can I forget it! At such a troublesome time, when the country is facing the question of life or death, I myself applied for joining the CDP and will spend the rest of my life in striving to establish a really democratic, free, just and strong new China. Please approve my application!"
Organization department of China Democracy Party approved Cheng, Kang (pseudonym) to be the CDP member. Approved date: July 21, 2010. We congratulated on Cheng, Kang’s(pseudonym) being CDP member. Hope Cheng, Kang(pseudonym) will fulfill her own oath, strive and devote herself to building up a free, democratic and prospective country!
China Democracy Party Organization Department
July 21, 2010
Cheng, Kang(pseudonym)’s mail:
“For so many years, I have witnesses the cruel ruling of the CCP, which is corrupted and incapable, trampling human rights freely. The CCP always call themselves liberators. However, they have disturbed the country for its own benefit, kept all the fortune for their own use, and made the public work hardly for them. The Chinese public is living in hot water. My grandfather was persecuted mercilessly to death in the Anti-right Group Action in 1957. Such huge hate is carved in my heart. As a man, how can I forget it! At such a troublesome time, when the country is facing the question of life or death, I myself applied for joining the CDP and will spend the rest of my life in striving to establish a really democratic, free, just and strong new China. Please approve my application!"
Oath of Joining the China Democracy Party
I swear:
I myself am willing to join the China Democracy Party!
I am willing to insist on Political course of the CDP; obey discipline of the CDP; keep secret of the CDP, implement my responsibility for the party.
I will be loyal to the enterprise of the party!
I will strive for democracy and prosperity of my country!
I will strive for social fairness and justice!
I will implement the above oath.
Tang , Huarong
Cheng, Kang (pseudonym)
成康(化名)朋友在邮件中写道: 多年来,我亲眼目睹共产党的残暴统治,腐败无能,肆意践踏人权,共产党常以解放者自居,实则是以一己之私而乱天下,以天下之财而为己用,劳九洲之民而为己任,中国人民生活在水深火热之中,我的祖父也因为57年的反右运动,受到残酷迫害而死,似此血海深仇,我辈热血男儿,时刻铭记于心,岂能忘之!值此多难之秋,家国兴亡之际,我自愿加入中国民主党,为建立一个真正自由,民主,公正, 强大的新中国,而奋斗终生!敬请中国民主党、中国民主党世界同盟予以批准!
值此多难之秋,家国兴亡之际,我自愿加入中国民主党,为建立一个真正自由,民主,公正, 强大的新中国,而奋斗终生!敬请中国民主党、中国民主党世界同盟予以批准!
Tang Huarong
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