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Chairman Wang,Jun calls on the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to focus on CDP member Li,Hong who was persecuted to death by CCP
Date: 1/27/2011 4:09:23 PM Sender: Wang,Jun
Chairman Wang,Jun calls on the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to focus on CDP member Li,Hong who was persecuted to death by CCP

Dear Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Secretary General,

My letter to you today is because the Chinese government is upgrading political persecution in mainland, and the condition needs close attention of the United Nations. I wrote to you on September 12, 2007, and spoke highly of your position as the United Nations Secretary General which was a great encouragement for Asian people to fight for freedom and democracy. You are from South Korea where a stable democratic system was established not long ago, and you know clearly the defects of autocratic system. In addition, democratic movements in South Korea once greatly encouraged democratic movements in China in the 1980s. Therefore Asian people especially Chinese people who still live under the communist tyranny place their hope on your role of maintaining international human rights. At that time I asked you to notice strengthened oppression of freedom of the press and civil liberty in China when it welcomed the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Before August 8 when the countdown of the Beijing Olympics ended, Chinese government insanely banned different voices and oppositions, oppressed CDP members, dissidents, people who maintain legal rights, and religious people, tried to prevent independent media reports instead of granting more personal freedom to CDP members, dissidents, people who maintain legal rights, and religious people. That’s because the Chinese government feared its people to talk about political and social problems, government officials only cared about their own interests, and involved in corruption under all sorts of pretexts.

I pointed out in my former letter that, most CDP members in Zhejiang province were arrested and sentenced by CCP. For instance, Zhu,Yufu was sentenced 9 years in prison, Chi,Jianwei was sentenced 3 years in prison, Chen,Shuqing was sentenced 4 years in prison, and Lv,Gengsong was charged with “inciting subversion of state power” and “illegal holding of secrets” and sentenced. They suffered the same treatment as Korean democrats had in earlier years, but were more severe as they could be sentenced to imprisonment for life and death penalty in China. CDP holds rallies outside of the Chinese Consulate General in the face of oppression by CCP. Like the rally of “Donation to assist imprisoned CDP member Chen,Shuqing, strongly request CCP to release him immediately” on August 30, 2007.

My former letter also mentioned situation of CDP member Li,Hong(original name Zhang,Jianhong). He was known for audacity and bold speeches; he was taken away from home on the night of September 6, 2006, and was detained in suspect of “inciting subversion of state power” on September, 7. He was arrested on October, 12. At 9:30 am on Jan 12, 2007, the Ningbo intermediate court held court and heard Li,Hong’s case in private session. At 3:15pm on March 19, 2007, Ningbo intermediate court declared the first verdict that Li,Hong, CDP member and writer in Zhejiang, was convicted for “inciting subversion of state power” and sentenced 6 years’ imprisonment, and deprived political right for one year.

Here I only take a specific example and introduce you that CCP is aggravating political persecution, and recently persecuted CDP member Li,Hong to death!

CDP member Li,Hong is a famous dissident writer, he had great talent and wrote many works and political articles, he cared about political reform and democratic construction in China, and opposed violent regime of CCP, he expressed CDP members’ will to carry out a democratic China.

Li,Hong, original name Zhang,Jianhong, was sentenced 6 years’ imprisonment for “inciting subversion of state power” on March 19, 2007. He suffered inhuman torture and cruel persecution in prison and had rare neurological disease within three months in prison. His wife Dong,Min started to apply him for outside treatment on bail but hadn’t been approved by CCP. Started from Jan in 2009, Li,Hong lost self-care ability, but hospital controlled by CCP told his disease couldn’t be treated, and didn’t agree for outside treatment, it was really intentional killing! Li,Hong didn’t get timely treatment and had muscular atrophy for the whole body, declined heart function, and endangered his life. His wife Dong,Min and family members requested outside treatment on bail and gave him effective treatment, but CCP ignored dying Li,Hong, delayed his best time for treatment, and resulted in diffusion of the disease. In June 2010, the prison notified Dong,Min and family members for outside treatment on bail for his critical condition, his family sent him to the Secondary Peoples’ Hospital in Ningbo, Zhejiang province.

When Li,Hong was in hospital, CCP sent police to prevent caring people and democrats to visit and assist him.

CCP was so ruthless that it persecuted Li,Hong to death……No matter how hard his families tried, they couldn’t safe him and he was persecuted to death by CCP at the age of 52 on Dec 31, 2010.

At 11:am on Jan 25, 2011, I led nearly two hundred CDP members to hold a rally at the Chinese Consulate General despite strong wind and snow, strongly protested CCP persecuted CDP member Li,Hong to death! Demanded to punish the murderer! Demanded to compensate Li,Hong’s relatives! May Li,Hong rest in peace in his grave! Called on CCP to abide by the “Universal declaration of human rights” issued by UN, stopped to persecute CDP members immediately; stopped persecution of people who maintain legal rights, dissidents, and religious people. Rep. of Chinese Victims League Ge,Lifang also attended the rally and made a written speech.

CCP persecuted CDP member Li,Hong to death showed aggravated persecution of CDP members by CCP! It proved regulations in the constitution which guarantee human rights of people are just mockery and deceptive. International society should pay attention to the severe fact that CDP members are suffering from persecutions by CCP!

Mr. Li,Hong’s heroic deeds will encourage all Chinese people who love democracy and freedom to make determined efforts.

Dear Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, as the Secretary General of the United Nations, you are one of the most powerful persons in the world, and you should come forward and speak for the vulnerable. We look forward to hearing from your voice to the Chinese government, compel them to abide by the United Nations Charter, and improve human rights conditions in China. For instance, you can turn over this letter to Chinese rep. of the United Nations, and your small action will improve conditions of many innocent prisoners, let persecuted prisoners released sooner and reunion with families. They themselves, their families and all CDP members will be thankful and the history will record your kindly deeds.

Yours sincerely,

Chairman of China Democracy party, proprietor of “China Democracy Journal”
Jan 27, 2011
New York, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-917-348-5230


2007年9月12日我曾经写信给你,表扬你出任联合国秘书长职务是对亚洲人民争取自由民主是一个巨大的鼓舞,因为你来自不久前建立了稳定的民主制度的韩国,对专制制度的弊害可以说是一清二楚。另外,韩国民主运动对1980年代的中国民主运动也曾经起过巨大的鼓舞作用。因此亚洲人民尤其是仍然生活在共产主义暴政之下的中国人民,对你在维护国际人权方面的作用,寄予了高度的期望。当时我就提请你注意,中国在迎接2008年的北京奥运会之际,还在继续加强对于新闻自由与公民自由的镇压。从8月8日开始的为2008年北京奥运会倒数计的同时,中国政府不仅没有给予中国民主党人、异议人士、维权人士、宗教人士,更多的人身自由与容忍,反而近乎疯狂地禁止不同观点或反对派的声音, 严厉镇压中国民主党人、异议人士、维权人士、宗教人士,企图阻止独立的媒体报导。因为中国政府惧怕自己的人民说出中国的政治问题与社会问题,中国政府官员仅仅关心自己的利益,关心如何巧立名目进行贪污腐败的活动。








Tel: 1-917-348-5230

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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