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From: <MFloresVazquez1@aol.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 3:22 PM
Subject: Press Release From the desk of Martha Flores-Vazquez
To: janedai09@gmail.com
Press Release for immediate release
Martha Flores-Vazquez, Director of Community Prevention Alternatives will be a Speaker at Queens College on the topic of Preventing Genocide in the Future:
An Evening in Honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, dedicated to combating Genocide
What: Learn about Genocide to prevent Genocide in the future
Where: Student Union 4th Floor Ballroom/ KISSENA BLVD. Gate for Parking
When: February 15, 2011 7-9 PM, Queens College
Who: Center for Ethnic Racial & Religious understanding, An international forum. Various speakers including Martha Flores-Vazquez, community activist and community leader in Flushing, Queens to cover the topic of Genocide in Guatemala and our continued efforts for combating violence around the world
For more information Contact Martha Flores-Vazquez
@ 718-909-4634 mfloresvazquez1@aol.com
Martha Flores-Vazquez 新闻发布 2/14/2011
Martha Flores-Vazquez, 社区家庭反犯罪组织主任将在皇后学院就预防未来种族灭绝大屠杀发表演讲:为纪念国际大屠杀纪念日并致力于种族大屠杀的斗争
时间:2/15/2011, 7点到9点,皇后学院
参加人员:种族&宗教了解中心,国际论坛。演讲嘉宾包括Martha Flores-Vazquez, 社区家庭反犯罪组织主任,她将涉及危地马拉的大屠杀,以及继续在全世界范围内打击暴力.