The crash of Harmonious, high-speed trains highlights the disaster of “harmonious society”.
Date: 8/31/2011 9:52:23 AM
Sender: Wang,Jun
The crash of Harmonious, high-speed trains highlights the disaster of “harmonious society”.
----China Democracy Party’s thinking about the event of “Harmonious rapid trains piled up”
The chairman of China Democracy Party and proprietor of “China Democracy Journal, Wang,Jun”
Picture: The chairman of China Democracy Party and proprietor of “China Democracy Journal,Wang, Jun in front of the White House on Jul 15, 2011
1. Internet expresses public mind.
It’s said that in a popular Web posting delivered in the mainland of China:
Premier Wen,Jiabao interviewed the “chief criminal of Yuan-hua Case” Lai,Changxing kindly, who was extradited, on 07/24/2011. Wen held Lai’s hands friendly and said “Don’t be afraid and we will not sentence you death penalty”. Lai was filled with tears at once and said “Thank you!” Then, Wen asked Lai “Do you miss your family in Xiamen? Take it and go home to have a look!” At the same time, Wen took out a piece of ticket of moving car of Wen Yong Line… As a result, Lai suffered the big move the car accident and it was the same as “carry out the execution on the spot”.
The background of this political bad joke was that “the chief criminal of Yuan-hua Case” Lai,Changxing was extradited from Canada after his twelve years’ escape. At the same day, the terrible news was passed from Wenzhou and the news was that two high-speed trains with the image of J-cam piled up and destroyed almost. There were two hundred and fifty people of casualty, so it took the world by surprise.
Besides, some people made the “June 23 Terrible Event” related to the anniversary of foundation of Chinese Communist Party. Because according to the memory of client, the actual date of CDP’s held “the First National Congress” in Hunan was not Jun 1st 2011, but Jun 23rd. The murderous look of the 90th anniversary of the foundation of CDP was too heavy to cause the accident.
Lai,Changxing’s extradition to China and the accident of moving the car in Wenzhou almost took the obvious position of all the press. How about the result? Wang,Qinglei, who was the program producer of “twenty-four hours” in the News Channel of CCTV, was fried, because his program reported the deadly accident of high-speed trains’ piling up distinctly on Jun 25th 2011.
Wang,Qinglei’s farewell speech was just eight words and they were “Stick to underlying principles and don’t be afraid of sacrifice”. It was delivered between thousands of netizens and they regarded it as the aspiration of justice.
At present, there was also another sentence passed between the netizens, and it said that nowadays China was a rapid train running in the thunderstorm and we are not audience, but passengers.
The feeling of people’s precarious life was clearly reflected on the papers.
2. The responsibility was pointed to the central government.
According to the report in the Website of “Reform of Jasmine Flower”, the order of burying the lathe headstock was from the Central Committee of CDP. The reason why they did this was “to minimize the impact” of the accident.
An official of Shanghai Railways Bureau as he called himself made a call to the reporter, said “he can’t stand it indeed” and decided to disclose it. He said that, after the accident the order from Beijing was to fire the director and clerk of Shanghai Railways Bureau directly. This caused the people of ministry of railways and subordinate staffs in a panic, so they not only didn’t do the rescue, but also not investigate the deep reason of the accident. Even the news from the spokesman of ministry of railways is not under the control of ministry of railways. What they should say was determined by the officials in Beijing. However, the checking officials were not familiar with the business of railways and trains, and what they did was based on the stability. They changed the investigation and treatment of an accident into maintaining the stability of a country from the beginning. He said that it was no wonder that the ministry of railways should be responsible for the accident. But he was also very sad; people should know it was irresponsible to say the fastest train has been invented and the technique of it has passed the test, reached the advanced level in the world and there were no questions of the safety in such a short time. He said, after the trains derailed in Wenzhou, the ministry of railways should try to investigate the reason of the accident at first certainly. However, the order from Beijing was to minimize the impact and the order of rescuing carelessly, treating human life as grass and burying the wreckage of lathe headstock on the spot was from Beijing instead of the ministry of railways. As for where it was from, he didn’t know clearly.
While according to the officials of ministry of railways’ speculation, the reason of doing it was to deal with it quickly, to finish it quickly and make the netizens forget it quickly. Unexpectedly, after the two fool things were disclosed, the netizens hold it still and the ministry of railways was involved. They asked undeservedly “Does the ministry of railways have so large power and charm?” He also said the reason why they didn’t publish the list of travelers was not the problem of ministry of railways. Nowadays there was no copy file of traveler’s in the system of the so-called real-name tickets. The system of person identification was under the control of public security and judicial department, and it was not like people’s saying that real-name tickets was to crack down on scalpers. That was the purpose of the ministry of railways originally, but it is totally different now.
Real-name tickets were to prevent the crime, including preventing petitioners and dissidents. The machine of person identification just saves the “list of susceptive person” from relevant authorities. If someone of the list buys the ticket, the machine will alarm or make a record. As for ordinary people, their ID number was printed on the ticket, but there was no record of it in the machine. So in the accident, there were no names of casualties, although they bought the ticket with their names.
3. The black hand of corrupt authorities.
The website- Wuyou Zhixiang of New Left wing published an article “Who can solve the mystery of high-speed train’s crash accident” and pointed out that practiced train drivers analyzed there was a little possibility of high-speed trains to pile up.
The article came up with “Was it a murder or a common traffic accident? If it was a murder, who do they want to kill?”
It analyzed:
At first, the possibility of electric locomotive’s piling up was almost zero, let alone the most advanced high-speed trains. People can research whether there were the accidents of locomotive’s piling up happened since P.R.China was founded and also did the research abroad.
Secondly, high-speed trains have operated for two years and moved very well without any accidents. Why did it happen just two days after Lai,Changxing’s returning? And it happened just at the line of Beijing to Fuzhou and Fuzhou was Lai’s hometown. One person familiar with the situation said, Central Committee dispatched official to go to Fuzhou and investigate the new situations of Lai’s back secretly. But the secret of this official may be let out before his setting off. Someone made this accident on the way. The first doubtful point was that D3115 ran behind D301 originally and why did it ran in front of D301? Did high-speed train have surpassed lane, didn’t it? The second doubtful point was D3115 was skidded artificially, but who did it? It’s said it was a passenger. The third doubtful point was since D3115 had stopped on the bridge, why wasn’t it shown in dispatching room? Now that D3115 knew its stopping, why didn’t it report to the dispatching and D301? And this caused D301’s piling up with full speed.
Thirdly, it took just less than twenty-four hours from the happening of accident to burying the lathe headstock. A little girl was saved after the announcement of the finish of search and rescue work, so it was too cursory to make people flash their minds across it. What did they bury actually, lathe headstock, dead people or alive people? Maybe they want to bury dead people and the living ones together.
Finally, so deadly accident had happened, why didn’t the high-speed trains stop moving without the reason investigated? So it could illustrate that the ministry of railways knew there was no question of high-speed trains.
The people taking charge of the website--Wuyou Zhixiang of New Left wing were some old members of Chinese Communist Party and they were very familiar with the blackout of CCP internal. Now they can question like this, so we can see the blackout of accident of high-speed trains in Wenzhou was not simple at all.
4. Serious tragedy needs summary
Generally, the wave of deadly accident shows the two profound changes in Chinese society; the first one is that the new press containing national character like twitter, Internet, mobile phone, video and image and so on defeat the traditional press totally. The second is that though traditional press also fight with the CCP’s will, this can be regarded as a big rebellion. But the basic contradiction in Chinese society is the contradiction between people’s increasing level of IQ and officials’ lowering level of morality.
China Democracy Party think that the accident of the“Harmony” high-speed trains and that the cursory dealing with it of CCP were both omissive actions that should not happen. The government finished the basic rescue work roughly, and then buried the lathe headstock of the crashed trains. The whole world and China were shocked because the government did such things against the normal rules.
Just like what the public opinions point out, the ministry of railways dare not do such things against the rules, and it was not necessary. At least, they should dispatch experts to prospect the trains and research the reason of the accident carefully and make the imagination of improvement. The public opinions expressed only Central Committee of CCP could and dare make this decision. They ordered the ministry of railways to cut the impact to the least. They hope people can forget it so soon as possible and there must be huge hiding facts.
In order to learn the lesson of deadly accident on Jul 23rd, 2011, we appeal to “publish all the blackouts of ‘Jul 23 Accident’” and take this day as National Disaster Day and National Mourning Day. Otherwise, CDP will consider the happen of “Harmony” accident shows that CCP has lost the basic ability of administering society. And it is the same as the warning of democratic revolution’s coming in China.
Let’s unite and struggle for the Chinese better tomorrow!
Jul 31, 2011
王青雷遭解职之后给同事的八个字的告别词在中国网民中间广为流传:“守住底线 / 不惧牺牲。”这是正义的心声!
第二:动车已经运行了快两年了,一直运行良好,从没发生过事故,为什么偏偏赖昌星回来了两天就发生了事故呢?而且正好是北京-福州。福州是赖昌星的老巢!有知情人士指出,中央秘密派员前往福州调查赖昌星回国提供的新情况,这位秘密谴派的大员出行前可能走漏了风声。有人在途中制造了这起动车追尾事故。疑点1.D3115本是在D301后面的,为什么会跑到D301前面去呢?难道动车也有超车道?疑点2.D3115是被人为拉紧急闸停车的,这个 人是谁,据说是旅客。疑点3.D3115既然停车了,而且是停在桥上 。调度室怎么没有显示它停车呢?D3115既然知道自己停车了为什么不向调度和后车D301发出警告呢?导致D301全速追尾。
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