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Famous activist, AIDS problem activist Hu, Jia(胡佳)
Date: 6/27/2011 1:37:40 PM Sender: CDP
Famous activist, AIDS problem activist Hu, Jia(胡佳)
Brief introduction of Hu, Jia:
Famous activist, AIDS problem activist
In July, 2000, Hu began to pay attention to the condition of AIDS in China.
In May, 2004, Hu and other people founded the Ai, Yuanhui Education Research Center, engaged in the AIDS philanthropic movements of non-profit.
On December 27, 2007, Hu was arrested by CCP with the crime of “suspected to subvert the government”
On April 1, 2008, Hu was sentenced for three years and six months, deprived of political power for one year.
On June 26, 2011, Hu was released to the home in Beijing.

Activist: Hu, Jia
Hu, Jia (July 25, 1973-formerly known as Hu,Jia, net freeborn and native Anhui Wuhu, was born in Beijing. He graduated from Beijing School of Economics (now renamed the Capital Economic and Trade University) and majored in information engineering. Hu,Jia is a famous Chinese social activist, environmental protection volunteer and AIDS activist, who was a supernumerary member of a wild yak team, the principal of the pantholops hodgsoni network, the executive director of Beijing healthy education institute, one of the founders of Ai, Yuanhui; And he also struggles for democracy and human rights.
Hu,Jia parents were enrolled in Beijing Tsinghua University, Tianjin Nankai University, and in 1957, they were regarded as "rightist", and sent to do hard labor in the remote areas of Hebei, Gansu and Hunan. Hu,Jia was born in 1973 when his mother was 36 years old. Hu's parents were forced to separate, and Hu was raised by his father. In the year of 1978, the rightists' reputation was restored after Deng, Xiaoping held the reins of the country, and Hu,Jia could reunited with his family. Hu Jia has been insisting vegetarian since 1989, and in 1997 Hu,Jia convert to Buddhism. On July 28, 2005, Hu Jia and Ceng,Jinyan get married. In 2007, his daughter named Hu,Qian Keats was born.

Taking part in the movements of protecting environment
In 1996, Hu,Jia was studying at college, and he read an article called <An Old Japanese Man and Desert in China> from the People's Daily of February 9, it was a story about a old Japanese man named YuanShanZhengYingd had been living in the EnGeBei desert of Inner Mongolia for forestation for 6 years. Hu, jia sent him 100RMB which was the first domestic donation. After discussing with friend named Yi Lin on March 23, Hu, Jia went to EnGeBei Desert to plant trees with the old Japanese man and the local workers for a week.
In the same year, Hu,Jia joined the folk environmental group called "the friends of the nature". In the August of 1996, "the friends of the nature" organized the first volunteer activity, more than 80 people went to En, GeBei desert for tree planting. Also in that year, they joined the College Students Forum of Creating Green China.
July 1996 to July 1997, Beijing television station in the environmental protection Hu, Jia program "walk into nature" acted as director.
In March 1997, hu jia participate in college students' environmental protection organization's activities: mountain will care in Beijing the purple bamboo park a pair of geese, in case is the goose eggs hatch after been stolen, achievements have been made.
In the same year in July to August, such as Hu,Jia "' 97 college students' green camp" 30 people Tibet Linzhi investigation forest ecological and local religious culture on the influence of the environmental protection. Hu,JiaCeng has three times to examine the Qinghai-Tibet plateau.
In 1998, Hubei swan state the reserve first stone in the elk, because the flood trapped. Hu,Jia by the world wide fund for nature to delegate, field trip, after come back which international fund for animal welfare (if aw hair report, this foundation shall be appropriated $5000 aid, Hu,Jia and the representative of China GeRui went to Hubei salvage the elk.
The second half of 1998, Qinghai to many county committee secretary, western second plunge more jie invited to Beijing, friends of the natural appointed Hu,Jia in Beijing is accompanied by the activities. In August, 1999, Hu,Jia into the Qinghai Zhiduo Town north along, wild yak team finished first. Also became a member of team of the wild yak.
From September 1999 to April 2000, Hu,Jia of the earth Hong Kong as the representative in Beijing.
In the spring of 2000, Hu,JiaGai and the net, the website a pantholops hodgsoni propagating protection of important Tibetan antelope Chinese web.

The volunteer work of AIDS
In July 2000, Hu,Jia through the Wang,LiXiong and recognized the project leader in action taken charge by Wan,Yanhai, in under the influence of Hu,Jia, begin to pay close attention to China's HIV status. On August 24, 2002 by Wan,Yanhai, by the Chinese security department secret detention, cause the attention of international public opinion, September 20, released by Wan,Yanhai. In this period as the actions of the Aizhi in Hu Jia project coordinator.
September 11, 2001-November 7, Hu Jia in India of Ahmadabad must accept for weddings complete Environmental protection training.
November 9, 2002, 21 years old, the students Liu,Di been arrested. In March 2003, Hu Jia involved in the Liu,Di called for the release of the signature activities. In October, Hu,Jia Beijing public security bureau, apply for to demand the release Liu,Di demonstration and didn't get approved.
June to August 2003, HuJia as Beijing health education institute executive unity of love, director of the national committee on US.-china relations should be invited to the United States, for two months of a visit to AIDS activities.
In May 2004, Hu Jia and Cen,Shuyuan registered in Beijing, who founded the Beijing love education research center, source by volunteers in the nonprofit AIDS, and public benefit activities.

House confinement and custody
In early April, worried about Hu Jia during the Qingming festival in a June 4 organization to mark the anniversary of 15 activities, Hu Jia was the team member countries detained two days.
On 15 April, Hu Jia to commemorate the anniversary of the death Hu,YaoBang 15 to Tiananmen square, by local police arrested flowers, after police requirements to do with her Hu Jia psychiatric, family think Hu Jia spirit, not to normal.
At the end of may, the American ambassador to Henan, attend reed global AIDS comprehensive prevention and control program (GAP) in the province of the launching ceremony, and study AIDS, a period during which the high-risk village, Hu Jia under house arrest at home.
June 3, Hu Jia was the team away from home countries in a basement, than, June 6, release.
2005 years
February 15, morning, such as Hu Jia dozens of Chinese people and some of the fishing Beijing citizens to Japan before the embassy in Beijing to protest demonstration, the Japanese government has announced it will in the building the beacon. [9] [10] in 2003, Hu Jia has participated in the fishing activities.
April 28, to May 4, there are reports that, by the team members Hu Jia countries from his father's home, was away than during the violence.
August 29, to September 2, the United Nations deputy secretary-general, human rights high commissioner Boolean such as ms UN officials visit China, Hu Jia under house arrest at home.
In November, its meeting held in Zhengzhou HIV/AIDS prevention and control, Hu Jia was submitted in a letter by local public security personnel; take away after Zhengzhou taken away by the police.
By the middle of January, this is China's former leader Zhao,Ziyang died in a week, Hu Jia under house arrest at home.
Guo,FeiXiong in February 3, violence, he was suspected by the police department is instructions or secret police act. Because through legal channels may not prevent further persecution, famous rights lawyer masked his rights on the hunger strike, lecturer relay by persecution of activists. February 6, Hu Jia, Ji, Zhiyong open relay hunger strike, voiced support for.
On February 7, Hu Jia resigned from the source position in love.
February 16,-9:00 a.m. at 10:00, Hu Jia missing, between Hu Jia has been as the Chinese security officials under the monitoring, the widespread speculation, Hu Jia was secret detention to somewhere. In the meantime, China mainland public participation in the relay hunger strike, including lots of people under house arrest, has been arrested. But the police denied away HuJia.
Hu Jia's family, including his wife, Zeng,JinYan to the local public security bureau, police station, and procuratorate, with no result. Ceng,Jinyan unveiled his own blog: looking for Hu Jia, insist that every writing, many net friend message sympathy for, the support.
On February 2, amnesty international released a letter to the attention of the letters. Hu Jia On the same day, the United Nations AIDS program resident offices to China's health ministry asked about Hu Jia missing events, call on the Chinese government to investigate. China's foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao in answer to the whereabouts of the reporter's questions about Hu Jia said, the Chinese government will not just because someone is arrested expression objection.
On March 3, the international environmental protection organization issued a 5 Global optimization techniques attention to appeal believe. Hu,Jia
March 10,, The international AIDS organization AIDS Policy The stream of Chinese President Hu, Jintao made The open letter, pay attention to HuJia missing events. The United Nations high commissioner for human rights as Hu,Jia missing events and the Chinese government ties.
March 13, Beijing institute of unity of love spoke about AIDS workers Hu,Jia missing statement.
March 21, Zeng,Jinyan after many setbacks to finally held a press conference, and more than twenty media participation in the interview.
On 22 March, China's state council AIDS working committee, director of the office of China, deputy minister of health Wang,Longde, while answering the questions about Hu,Jia said don't know where Hu ,Jia, saying and folk AIDS organization a good team. On the same day, dozens of AIDS ACTIVISTS, etc to the People's Republic of China in Paris, France, in the United States embassy in Washington embassy, consulate in New York protests, demanding release Hu,Jia, including as soon as possible hit the slogan "FIGHT AIDS, NOT AIDS ACTIVISTS" (with AIDS, NOT a with AIDS workers hopper)
At noon on March 28, in the missing in 41 days, Hu, Jia released. Hu,Jia, said in an interview at secret detention he is repeatedly denied his kingdom, the away and local police station is direct actuators. According to Zeng,Jinyan revealed that, after this Hu,Jia has been under house arrest at home, until February 2007.
On April 10, there are reports that, because the public the masked his conversation, Hu once again under house arrest.
On May 20, Hu,Jia buying vegetables was beaten, and the way he thought was "the Beijing municipal public security bureau domestic security guards corps secret police".
October 24, Hu,Jia to German chancellor Angela Merkel to a thank-you letter, the September to meet with the dalai lama said support.




2001年9月11日—11月7日,胡佳在印度艾哈迈达巴德Centre for Environmental Education接受环保培训。

2006年 1月中旬,时逢中国前领导人赵紫阳逝世一周年,胡佳被软禁在家。
3月3日,国际环保组织Global Response发布了一封关注胡佳去向的呼吁信。
3月10日,国际艾滋病组织The AIDS Policy Project发表了致中国领导人胡锦涛的公开信,关注胡佳失踪事件。联合国人权高级专员会就胡佳失踪事件与中国政府联系。
3月22日,中国国务院防治艾滋病工作委员会办公室主任、中国卫生部副部长王陇德,在回答记者有关胡佳的提问时表示不知道胡佳在哪儿,并称与民间艾滋病组织合作良好。同日,数十名艾滋病活跃人士等前往中华人民共和国驻法国巴黎使馆、驻美国华盛顿使馆、驻纽约领事馆抗议,要求尽快释放胡佳,其中有打出标语“FIGHT AIDS, NOT AIDS ACTIVISTS”(与艾滋病斗,不是与艾滋病工作者斗)
2007年 4月10日,有报道指,由于对外公开了高智晟的谈话,胡再一次被软禁。

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