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We need a fundraiser for our hot lines
Community Prevention Alternatives is launching a National public service awareness campaign, funded entirely through free public service donations. The campaign is designed to inspire Americans everywhere and others throughout the world to voluntarily observe the 10-year anniversary of 9/11, and every 9/11 thereafter, by performing good deeds, supporting charitable causes, volunteering free supportive counseling services and engaging in other forms of service, prayer and reflection in tribute to the 9/11 victims, survivors and those who rose in service in response to the attacks. It is a beautiful, uplifting and positive campaign, and we invite you to engage in support efforts to stop the hate that leads to discrimination and violence here in New York City, Nation wide, and to be among the first to support the efforts of Community Prevention Alternatives for Families in Crisis. Please view our public service announcements on our website www.cpafcc,org for fundraising events to keep our hotlines open, wee will develop a face book page for constant contact alerts, as we encourage disclosure for all victims to begin a healing process. As the director of Community Prevention Alternatives, I Martha Flores-Vazquez, express our sincere condolences to all families in crisis ten years later. My hot line is 909-4634 for supportive service.
Martha Flores-Vazquez
"Community Prevention Alternatives"
名为“社区预防方案”的组织开展了一个全国性的公共服务意识活动,这次活动的经费全部由公共服务捐款所募得。本次活动计划鼓舞世界各地的美国人能够自觉的庆祝9/11十周年,以及此后的每个9/11周年纪念, 他们可以通过支持慈善事业,自愿免费提供支持性咨询服务以及其他服务,祈祷和沉思的方式来向9/11遇难者,幸存者以及那些对袭击做出回应的服务人员致敬。 这是一个美好,积极向上的活动,我们邀请您,一起努力去减少那些在纽约甚至全国范围内引起歧视和暴力的憎恨感。同时邀请您成为第一批给危及家庭提供支持的成员。 请阅读我们网站www.cpafcc,org上的公共服务声明并为我们热线的开通筹集资金, 因为我们鼓励披露所有遇难者来开始一个新的愈合过程,还将为那些固定的接触警告开通留言页。作为组织的负责人, 我玛莎•洛雷斯-巴斯克斯向十年后所有的危机家庭表达我诚挚的问候。 我的支持服务热线电话是909-4634.