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Yang, Tianshui, a Well-known Dissent As Well As a Writer
Date: 12/26/2006 11:31:02 AM Sender: CDP

Yang, Tianshui, a Well-known Dissent As Well As a Writer

Yang, Tianshui, a famous dissent as well as a writer

A brief introduction of Yang, Tianshui:
Yang, Tianshui, former name is Yang, Tongyan, Han nationality.
He was born in 1961 in Siyang county of Jiangsu province, coming from farming stock.
In 1982, he obtained a bachelor degree in history from Beijing Normal University's history department. Thereafter he resided in Nanjing, taught students for three years, and did research for four years.
From1990 to 2000, he was put in jail for 10 years due to the crime of counter-revolutionary.
He was released from the prison on May 31, 2000. However, he was still deprived of his political power for 4 years, and was summoned and confined for many times.
From May 28, 2004 to June 12, he was punished for half-a-month administrative detention with a charge of “presenting articles which is harmful to the national pride and social stability on the Internet”.
From December 24, 2004 to January 24, 2005, he was punished once again for a-month administrative detention with a crime of “overturning the state's political power”. He got medical treatment outside the prison on bail for one year.
On December 23, 2005, he was rearrested.
May 16, 2006, Yang, Tianshui's case was heard in camera by the Intermediate People's Court of Zhenjiang city of Jiangsu province. He was sentenced to 12-year imprisonment for the charge of overturning the state's political power, and was deprived of his political right for four years.



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