Open Letter to Hu Jintao, General Secretary of Chi
Date: 10/26/2007 11:07:06 AM
Sender: CDP
Open Letter to Hu Jintao, General Secretary of China Communist Party,
by Wang Jun, Chairman of China Democracy Party World Union
Wang Jun, Chairman of CDP Hu Jintao, General Secretary of CCP
In the open letter, Wang Jun, chairman of CDPWU, pointed out:
pro-democracy, against-oligarchy
Mr. Hu, Jintao:
Hong Kong Zhong Tong Agency on 10-10-2007 “quoted informed source from Beijing”: Hu Jintao, general secretary of China communist party, will not appoint his successor on the 17th session of China communist party national congress, and he won’t do it later. Most Chinese believe it is a progress for China society that Hu Jintao did not appoint anyone as his successor. However, we China Democracy Party believe that Hu Jintao not appointing his successor shows that China political system is progressively changing from autocracy to oligarchy. Here I would like to congratulate Mr. Hu Jintao, no matter positively or passively, you now actually stand at a very critical cross historically.
The first important feature of autocracy that the highest leader appoints his successor, and the way that China communist party appoint its highest leader started from China communist highest dictator Mao Zedong, and then followed by its second dictator Deng Xiaoping, who appointed his successor. At the time Deng Xiaoping was dying, Jiang Zeming, though he was the one to succeed Deng in position, but was not the one to succeed Deng’s actual power. Because, the second important feature of autocracy that dictators, out of jealousy, won’t like to transfer his power completely to his successor, some may even murder the successors. Such an evil drawbacks make the third feature of autocracy, i.e. the new dictator must set up his personal authority through severe death penalty, which very often leads the state into periodical struggle, reform, removing someone in power by force or even bloodshed. Deng Xiaoping, though he put an end to the right of other leaders’ life-long tenure, he never released the highest power in his hand till his death. Nowadays China’s internal and external environment have changed greatly, and since you Mr. Hu Jintao took post as general secretary of China communist party, you should promote the state ruled by law and make state decisions more scientifically and democratically; publicity hope that democratic politics irreversibly becomes the main tune in China, and dictatorial way of appointing successor to the highest leadership should be terminated historically. Sure you understand the reason.
According to the source, China communist central committee political bureau held session of meeting day before, and discussed the work that China communist central committee political bureau did since the 16th session of China communist party national congress 6th central committee conference, and it reiterated the implementation of democratic centralism principal and collectively deciding all important issues through collective discussion. The key part of the tune is that China communist party senior leaders determined to push forward democratic politics and it has set up as system that important issues will be discussed and decided by core group collectively. It is hoped that such a system won’t be just an empty word. We believe it shows that China communist party autocratic system has gradually faded out historically, but it has to be noted that China communist oligarchy politics is now fading in historical stage. We China Democracy Party believe that though oligarchy is a progress in democratic course comparing to autocracy, it is nothing to be proud of, or feels it’s the goal we have been pursuing, instead, quite a distance ahead and great effort should be placed in the course of democracy. Only through this way Mr. Hu Jintao could become a leader of world level politicians. Otherwise, no matter what “collective decision through collective discussion”, “culture and train a team”, or “set up a system for scientifically selecting and training a team of successors”, it is just making round turns within oligarchy, far from world current trend of democracy. We China Democracy Party believe that only after having set up a goal to eliminate oligarchy eventually, such saying as “Hu Jintao pushes forward democracy within China communist party”, “China communist party, under the leadership of Hu Jintao, is moving toward more open and more democratic”, could be true and reliable. Only after having eliminated autocracy, and then oligarchy, could China communist party limit its functions within the law, and could it “accomplish role change from a revolutionary party to a party in power”, and “promote society harmony”. In fact, in early March 2007, Voice of America reported, Li, Junru, a theorist for China communist party, pointed out that there won’t be an issue for China communist party to appoint the 5th generation successor for its leadership after a democratic system set up within the party. Factions’ joint influence and leadership will be a new trend within China communist senior core, and from now on, anyone who is good at balance, conciliation and acceptable to all factions will be the new leader for China communist party. This is obviously a level of oligarchy.
World opinions believe that political competition under oligarchy can not be done openly and is not legalized, so China political democracy is still at its initial and early stage. But this direction should be affirmed, as the change trend will lead to the development of China politics to system. Therefore, quite some people hope that Mr. Hu Jintao, while choose the successor for the 5th generation leadership, will take a progressive way to allow potential candidates to enter political bureau collectively, so as to form a group of successors, and then decide the successor through internal democratic election; and a democratic system for successor will be formed gradually. However, we China Democracy Party believe, democracy system is not only the elite politics, but also grassroots politics. Because its open side could allow different social interest groups to find political group or leaders to represent their interest, so as to form a prelude for democracy development. It is especially the Chinese people that need to elect their leaders to represent and protect their interest and rights.
We China Democracy Party believe that in the term of Mr. Hu Jintao, oligarchy will be abandoned and internal party democracy be directly realized, so that China communist party members can elect its central committee members and its central political bureau members, even more senior leaders. This is also my personal expectation on China political course after the 17th session of China communist national congress. I believe that if this course is not realized for sure, China communist autocracy system remains won’t be eliminated; China communist oligarchy course cannot be interrupted, and China communist will face the tide of democracy revolution eventually. To completely eliminate dictatorship, darkness and corruption and realize democracy in China, and to connect with international civilization, so as to guarantee each and every Chinese human right and life with dignity, is the desire of China ordinary people and also the historic current. Mr. Hu Jintao needs to think about how to deal.
Wang, Jun
2007-10/New York
根据报导,中共中央政治局日前开会,讨论十六届六中全会以来中央政治局的工作,重申贯彻民主集中制,坚持重大问题集体讨论、集体决定,其中透露出来的重要讯息就是中共高层决心推进民主政治,“重大问题集体讨论、集体决定”已经形成制度。只是不要成为挂在口头的空话。我们认为,这说明中共的独裁制已经逐渐退出历史舞台,但值得警惕的是,这也显示出中共的寡头政治正在逐渐登上历史舞台。我们中国民主党人认为,寡头制比起独裁制来虽然是个进步,但切切不可沾沾自喜、固步自封,而是应该继续前进,向着民主制继续前进,这样做你胡锦涛先生才可能变成一个世界级的政治人物。否则,再怎么说,“集体讨论、集体决定”也好,“考察、培养一个团队”也罢,“构建一套科学选拔和培养接班队伍的机制”,仍在是在寡头制的圈圈内打转。与民主大潮流是格格不入的。我们中国民主党人认为,只有以最终废除寡头制为目标,“胡锦涛推进党内民主建设”、 “胡锦涛领导下的中共正走向更加开放、更加民主”的说法,才是真实可信的。只有废除了独裁制、寡头制的中共,才可能在法律范围内活动,才能“完成从革命党向执政党的角色转换”,才能“促进社会和谐”。其实,早在2007年3月,美国之音就曾经报道,中共理论家李君如指出,中共强调党内民主机制后已经没有指定第五代接班人的问题了。中共领导层派系共治、权力分享将是一个新的趋势,今后,那些善于平衡、善于妥协、能为各派系所接受的人将成为中共新领袖。这显然还是停留在寡头制的水平上。海外舆论普遍认为,由于寡头制下的政治竞争其实并不能够公开进行,而且也没有合法性,所以中国政治的民主化进程现在还属于初级阶段、早期阶段,但是这个方向还是应该肯定的,而且这种变化趋势会继续导致中国政治更有制度化的发展。因此不少人希望胡锦涛先生在挑选第五代接班人的时候,还是采取循序渐进的方式,让有潜质的人集体进入政治局,形成一个接班群体,再以党内民主方式推举产生接班人,在这个过程中逐渐形成民主接班制。但是在我们中国民主党人看来,民主制度不仅是精英政治,而且更是草根政治。但毕竟有它开放的一面,社会各个不同利益集团能够寻求到能够维护他们利益的政治团体或者政治领袖,由此成为民主化发展的一个前端,一个前奏。尢其是中国普通百姓,更需要通过选举选出维护自己权益的代言者!保障自己生存权益。
王军 2007年10月,于美国纽约
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