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Wang,Jun: Deeply Mourn Mr. Bao Chongxin
Date: 11/5/2007 2:45:56 PM Sender: CDP
Wang,Jun: Deeply Mourn Mr. Bao,Chongxin


    包遵信是中国大陆1980年代知识启蒙运动、文化反思运动、学生民主运动的领军人物,他在1980年代文化运动中的历史地位当超过中共创始人陈独秀、李大钊等人在五四新文化运动中的地位和作用。未来的历史学家当如是评说。包遵信先生原为中国社会科学院历史研究所研究员,曾任《走向未来》丛书、《中国哲学》等杂志主编、顾问,在《人民日报》等报刊杂志上发表中国思想史方面论文约百万字。参与八九民主运动,被中共当局指控为“黑手”,是“六。四”后中共最早通缉的学者之一,1989年6月被捕,被控“反革命宣传罪”,1991年1月被北京市中级人民法院判刑5年。出狱后,除了从事研究、写作之外,一直参与人权活动。曾出版过《民主与启蒙》、《六四的内情》等书籍。其中《六四的内情》更是一部极为珍贵的史料。 1989年六四大屠杀发生,包遵信先生没有选择逃避,而是挺身而出,以“我不下炼狱谁下炼狱”的英雄气概,昂然进入中共的黑牢, 长达五年的牢狱生涯中,体现了一个领军人物的风范。出狱后,他同样没有选择出国避难,而是继续和自己的人民在一起受苦,体现了一个平民知识分子的良知所在。包遵信先生不是消极地在国内等待,而是积极地为人类的发展、中国的前途、大众的各种利益继续奋斗。
    2005年2月5日,包遵信先生指出:“中共对赵紫阳的评价肯定是错误观点。说他在1989年犯严重错误,这就是1989年以来官方最错误的观点,实际上根本站不住脚的。他并不是犯错误,而是表现了一个中国领导人的英雄气概。所以这个正好要颠倒过来。将来这个一定要翻过来的。” 包遵信先生指出中共现政权不可能走向民主。政治改革需要逐步开放言论。大家心理有气、有话,要说出来。怎么走向民主化,大家有什么建议,都能说出来。他进一步指出:“1980年代曾是自由民主思潮的高涨时期。“六。四”的镇压,使自由知识分子一度沉寂,但石还在,火是不会被熄灭的” 。
    2005年3月10日,包遵信先生批评胡锦涛的“和谐社会”完全是说一套,做一套:“一面要建立和谐的环境,一面又不让我自由。这是什么事啊”?在《中共的“恐宪”病》一文中,包遵信先生一针见血地指出:“在中国人追求宪政民主的进程中,中共作为执政党或许可以充当主导角色,但前提是它必须探究、清理其以往一贯恐惧、仇视宪政民主的历史,即‘恐宪病’,不找到那个难于化解的〔结〕,谈不上真正的〔转变〕。 ”因为中共〔追随共产国际,与宪政对立〕,“中共的建立固然与‘五四’有密切关系,但直接的助产婆却是第三国际。” 包遵信先生和陈独秀、李大钊等人一样,曾经是一个共产党员,但是在六四大屠杀发生后,他已经离开了那个专制封闭黑暗的组织,终于和马恩列斯毛邓,划清了界限。他的行为开启了声势浩大的退出中国共产党运动的先河,所以他晚年受尽了中共当局的迫害,被取消了应得的养老金和医疗保险,也使得他的疾病不幸不能得到应有的治疗。这笔帐我们一定要清算的。我们在此庄严承诺:将来民主中国建立以后,中国人民一定会设法给与包遵信先生和有类似遭遇的人们或其遗属,以足够数额的国家赔偿。
    正如包遵信先生《中国自由主义思想发展的谱系》一文所说,“人们现在对宪政似乎并不陌生,因为它总不时在媒体露脸儿。这种现象可以说明,尽管宪政离我们还相当遥远,但已是越来越多的人们认同的目标了,这当然是非常可喜可贺。但同时也提醒我们,对宪政亟须循名责实,正本清源,以免鱼目混珠,贻误国人。究竟何谓宪政?我以为有两条最为重要:一是对公民个人自由与权利有真切实在的保障,二是对政府的权力有明确的界限和有效的制衡。” 这一天的到来,不远了。我们会沿着包遵信先生所推动的民主大潮继续前进!


Mr. Bao,Chongxin

Wang,Jun: Deeply Mourn Mr. Bao,Chongxin

Beijing , Mr. Bao Zunxin’s relative and Mr. Bao Zunxin’s funeral board,
We were surprised to learn that Mr. Bao Zunxin died on 18:00, Oct 28, 2007 in Beijing after his disease failed medical treatment, and we feel sad, and we, China Democracy Party members, express our sincere condolence to you, and through you, to all persons of same experience under China communist authority tyranny.
Mr. Bao Zunxin is a leading figure in knowledge enlightenment, cultural review movement, student democracy movement in the 1980s in Mainland China, and regarding cultural movement in 1980s his position and influence in history surpassed Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, etc. founders of China communist party, in May4th New Cultural Movement, and historians in future should arrive in such a conclusion. Mr. Bao Zunxin used to be a researcher at China social academy, history institute, and he was the chief editor for book serial “Forward to Future” and magazine “China Philosophy”, etc. and he published over millions of words in articles and essays on China ideology history on the newspaper “People’s Daily” and other magazines. He participated in 89’ democracy movement and he was accused of “the black hand” by China communist authority, and he was one of the wanted scholars by China communist authority soon after June4th, and he was arrested in June 1989 with the charge of “anti-revolutionary propaganda crime”, and in January 1991 he was sentenced 5 year imprisonment by Beijing Intermediate People’s Court. After released, besides his research and writing, he continued to participate in human right activities. He published books including “Democracy & Enlightenment”, “Inside the June4th”, etc. “Inside the June4th” is a very precious historical reference book. When June4th massacre occurred in 1989 Mr. Bao Zunxin did not choose to escape, but bravely walked forward to face China communist dark prison, and he suffered 5 years prison life with a heroic spirit of “I’d rather go to the hell if necessary”, a true leading figure’s style. After he was released, Mr. Bao Zunxin did not choose to go abroad, but rather to suffer with his folks in China , a conduct symbolizing the conscience of an ordinary intellectual. Mr. Bao Zunxin did not wait passively in China , but rather actively work and fight for the development of human society, the future of China and the people’s interest.
On Feb 5, 2005 Mr. Bao Zunxin pointed out: “it is definitely wrong when China communist made the comment on Zhao Ziyang, and it is a mistake and does not hold water when China communist said that Zhao Ziyang made serious mistake in 1989. He did not make mistake, but showed a heroic spirit as a Chinese leader. So the comment made by China communist should just be the opposite, and it will be reversed or corrected in future.” Mr. Bao Zunxin pointed out that China communist power won’t change to democracy. Political reform needs to open speech progressively, so that people could and dare to speak out what in their mind, how to proceed to democracy and what could they suggest. He further pointed out: “1980s is a peak period for liberated democratic ideas, and the crackdown on June4th made a dead silence among liberated intellectuals, but stone existed still and the fire won’t be wiped out thoroughly.”
On Mar 10, 2005 , Mr. Bao Zunxin criticized Hu Jintao on his “harmonic society”, as it says something but did it differently: “want to build up a harmonic environment on one side, but not allow me free on the other side. What did it mean?” In his article “China communist suffer a disease called ‘constitution-fear’ ” Mr. Bao Zunxin sharply pointed out: “in the course of Chinese constitution-pursuit democracy, China communist party may function as a main role as a party in power, but it must, as a pre-condition, study it and make it clear why they fear and hate constitution system in history, i.e. the disease of ‘constitution-fear’. There won’t be any real change if they fail to find out the insoluble complex and the way to deal with it,” as China communist party, following communist international, opposed constitution system. “the establishment of China communist party, though closely related with May4th movement, was the product of the third international as its midwife.” Like Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao etc. Mr. Bao Zunxin was once a member of China communist party, but after June4th massacre he left that dictatorial, dark and closed organization and he finally parted with Marx, Engel, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. His conduct started a large-scale withdrawal from China communist party, which led to his late years’ suffering of persecution by China communist authority, and the deprivation of his deserved pension and medical insurance, which led to his disease unable to get cured. We will definitely get this exposed and criticized in future. We solemnly promise that after democracy system is set up in China , Chinese people will fully compensate Mr. Bao Zunxin and other same experienced persons and their relatives.
As Mr. Bao Zunxin said in his article “A Series of Development of China Liberated Ideas”, “people now seem not unfamiliar with constitution politics, as it being mentioned time and again in media, and it means, though still a long way to go, constitution politics has become a common goal accepted by more and more people, and this is delightful really. It also reminds us that constitution politics must bear its real content under its real name and clarify all obscure definitions, so as to not mislead the Chinese people. What is constitution politics? I believe two principals must be observed: one is to secure citizens’ real personal freedom and human right, and second is to establish a definite limitation and effective restriction on government power.” It won’t be too far away to realize this, and we will follow Mr. Bao Zunxin’s democracy movement forward, and on.
Respectful Mr. Bao Zunxin, people will forever remember you and history will forever memorize you. May your soul be at ease in the heaven.
Mr. Bao Zunxin is immortal.

Wang,Jun, Chairman of China Democracy Party World Union
2007-10-29/ New York

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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