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Video 5: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers
Date: 2/29/2008 1:07:59 PM Sender: CDP
Video 5: CDPPWU Remit Money for Chinese Sufferers and Their Families

——Chairman Jun Wang Say Donating Money is Supporting China’s Democracy Career

Donate Money for CDP Member Chen, Shuqing’s Family

Illustration 1: Chairman Jun Wang of CDPWU and some CDPWU members are preparing for money donation

Illustration 2: Some members of CDPWU are mailing money on Xilian Express in Flushing, NY.

Illustration 3: Chairman Jun Wang of CDPWU take photo calls with CDP members and their families in China.

[Attention] Chairman Jun Wang of CDPWU leads CDPWU members participating Chinese democratic movements recent years and donate money for Chinese CDP members, human-right supports, dissidents, overseas democratic persons and organizations. This dedicatory spirit can improve Chinese democratic career develop! Wish there will be more and more democratic persons and organizations can devote their money and power. We especially need to help arrested CDP members, dissidents, human-right supporters and these sufferers’ families.

At 2008 Lunar New Year, Chairman Jun Wang of CDPWU takes care of CDP members, human-right supporters and dissidents in China. In order to make these sufferers and their families have a happy new year, chairman Jun Wang donate $2750 and some CDPWU members donate $350 that means total is $3100 which are separated and sent to 10 sufferers families. The videos of sending money and receiving money are on the CDPWU Website. This can spur more people to devote their help to the sufferers in China. (Because of safe reason, two receiving money families can’t be open.)
Let’s encourage each other! Do more for sufferers and their families in China! All of dedicators’ labors will be written down on the honor books!

China Democracy Party World Union
February 27, 2008



[编者按] 中国民主党世界同盟主席王军在过去的几年里,带领中国民主党成员,积极投入到中国民主运动中。同时,积极为中国国内受迫害的中国民主党人、维权人士、异议人士捐款;还为海外的民运人士与民运组织捐款;这种献爱心,讲正气的做法,能够有效地促进中国民主事业的健康发展!希望有更多的民运组织与个人都能为中国民主事业献爱心,有钱出钱、有力出力,尤其要关心帮助正在中国坐牢的中国民主党人、维权人士、异议人士和受难家属走出困境。

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
Address:               41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
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