全世界热爱和平民主的人们联合起来 ! 为实现民主中国而奋斗 ! 民 主、自 由 、公 平、法 制、人 权、富 裕 !
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日期: 7/7/2009 1:19:44 PM 发表人: 中国民主党

   Video: Rally of “Strongly Protest CCP Persecuting CDP Member Wang, Sen”

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Picture 1: More than one hundred CDP members rally in front of China-General Consulate Office in New York on July 7, 2009
--------No.13 Serial Activity “the Propaganda Year of Chinese Victims’ Political Persecution”

Related Reports:
1.CDP members supported Wang, Sen’s family member on Dec. 16, 2004.
2.CDP members donated money to Wang, Sen’s family member on May. 1, 2007.
3.Chairman Jun Wang informed Wang, Sen’s wife Wei, Xinyu to withdraw money on Sep. 18, 2007.
4.CDP members donated money to Wang, Sen’s family member on Feb. 27, 2008.
5.CDP members donated money to help democrats in quake-stricken area and democrats’ family members on June 25, 2008.
6.Chairman Jun Wang informed Wang, Sen’s wife, Wei, xinyu to withdraw money on Sep. 26, 2008.

At 11:00 am on July 7, 2009, more than one hundred CDP members rally in front of the Chinese-General Consulate Office in New York to hold No.13 Serial Activity “the Propaganda Year of Chinese Victims’ Political Persecution ”. “Strongly Protest CCP Persecuting CDP Member Wang, Senz'.“Strongly Appeal for the Immediate Release of CDP Member, Wang, Sen.”Mr. Jun Wang, chairman of CDP and CDPWU and chief of 《China Democracy Journal》 attends today’s rally and gives a speech.

On Nov. 23, 2000, five thousand workers in Sichuan Dazhou Qinghua General Iron and Steel Works protested government on closing out their factory. The factory fired workers unconditionally and protest suffered suppression. A couple of worker representatives were arrested. After December, 2000, Wang, Sen brought CDP members in Sichuan Branch, posted protest and appealed for setting worker representatives for free unconditionally. Wang, Sen was sentenced for 10 years for overturning the state and he suffered distressed torture.

Picture 2: Mr. Jun Wang, chairman of CDP and CDPWU and proprietor of 《China Democracy Journal》gives a speech on the rally of “Strongly Protests CCP Persecuting CDP member, Wang, Sen.”


Picture 3, 4: CDP members acclaim slogans: appeal for CCP’s immediate release Mr. Wang, Sen on the rally.

After Wang, Sen was in prison, the living burden of the whole family was on the diseased wife, Wei, Xinyu. The economy situation of the whole family suffered difficulties. Mr. Jun Wang, chairman of CDP, who is in New York, U.S.A., knew their situations. He leaded CDP members to donate $750 to Wang, Sen’s wife, Wei, Xinyu, who suffered cholecystitis and needed money for the surgical treatment immediately. On the same day, Mr. Jun Wang gave a speech on the media: Mr. Wang, Sen is our distinguished member, and the role model for both domestic and overseas. Our headquarters of CDP is the strong support for democrats and their family members and willing to help you in all aspects. Chinese people will forever praise you, who have devoted for the Chinese democracy. We firmly believe that China will realize democracy! Please hold on, friends! Let’s warmly welcome the spring of Chinese democracy together!

In the past 5 years, Mr. Jun Wang, chairman of CDP and chief of 《China Democracy Journal》 not only has transferred money for 8 times, but also the amount has been $7060. Chairman Jun Wang said frequently:” donation is devoted for love, and it also supports the Chinese democracy!”

Mr. Jun Wang indicates: Mr, Wang, Sen, member of CDP has persistently implemented the principles of peace, rationality and nonviolence. He is the booster and propellant for democracy, freedom, human rights and legal system, not the destroyer or subverter of the state power. CDP strongly protests agaomst CCP authority to arrest, imprison or illegally sentence Wang, Sen. Strongly appeal for CCP’s immediate release Wang, Sen.

Picture 5: CDP member gives a speech on the rally of “Strongly protest against CCP persecuting CDP member Wang, Sen”.

Picture 6: Part of CDP members are on the rally of “Strongly protest against CCP persecuting CDP member Wang, Sen”.

China Democracy Party
China Democracy Party World Union
《China Democracy Journal》
July 7, 2009





4.2008年2月27日,给中国民主党人王 森家捐款

现年43岁的中国民主党四川党部负责人王森,在2000年11月23日四川省达州市青花钢铁总厂,全厂五千多工人抗议政府宣布该厂关停,厂方要无条件的辞退工人,抗议活动遭到镇压,数名工人代表被捕。 之后在2000年12月,王森带领四川的一些民主党成员,在达州市街头贴满抗议书,要求无条件释放工人代表而被捕。被中国政府以煽动颠覆罪判刑10年,王森受尽了非人的折磨。




王森坐牢后,一家人的生活重担落在患病的妻子魏心玉女士身上,全家的经济陷入了困难。远在美国纽约的中国民主党主席王军获悉情况后,在2004年12月16日,带领党员为王森的妻子魏心玉女士捐款750 美元,为身患胆囊炎魏心玉女士解决急需的手术治疗费。就在这一天,王军主席在媒体上发表讲话:王森先生是杰出的中国民主党党员,是我们海内外中国民主党党员们学习的楷模,我们中国民主党党部永远是国内中国民主党党员及家属们的坚强后盾, 愿意在各个方面为你们提供帮助。为中国的民主事业做出过贡献的人,中国人民会永远赞颂你们的!我们坚信:中国一定会实现民主! 请朋友们坚持下去!让我们共同迎接中国民主春天的到来!




【 字体:

中国民主党       主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
地  址:            41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
 Website:                    http://www.cdpwu.org                                 http://www.cdpwu.org/en
 Tel: E-mail: cdpwu1998@gmail.com  cdpwu@yahoo.com(yahoo邮箱密码被盗请勿使用)