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日期: 7/28/2009 1:21:03 PM 发表人: 中国民主党

   Video: Rally of “Stop Persecution! Oppose Violent Suppression!”


Picture 1: CDP members are rallying to protest in front of China-General Consulate Office in New York

At 11 am July 28, 2009, more than one hundred CDP members go to rally in front of China-General Consulate Office in New York. The topic is “Stop Persecution! Oppose Violent Suppression!” and “Firmly Defender all-nationality people’s human rights!” Mr. Jun Wang, Chairman of China Democracy Party, China Democracy Party World Union and chief of 《China Democracy Journal》attends today’s rally and dresses a speech,

CCP government advocates that regime is for people and people are the base and builds up a harmonious society. However, minority can’t get back their own wage or even suffer beating and blooding. Such society isn’t reasonable, not to mention harmonious society. All-nationality people develop thousands of difficult human rights defending activities in order to obtain human rights. Every time they suffer CCP brutal violent suppression. After CCP government came into power, it has realized long-run violent regime. What the government has done indicates the unbelievable. Anti-right activity of 1957, hundreds of people died without reason. Culture Revolution of 1966 has lost thousands of lives. June 4 massacre of 1989, innocent students and citizens died in the gunshot and tanks. March 2008, hundreds of Tibetan died in the violent and gunshot. In May Sichuan Wenchuan earthquakes, people died of unsound projects. In June, in Wenan Guizhou, people happened to defend rights and protest violence. In September, thousands of citizens in Hunan Jishou were suppressed due to illegal rally. In June 2009, Hubei Shishou citizens had conflicts with armed force and hundreds of people died and injured. In July 2009, in Urumqi, uighur developed anti-persecution and suffer suppression by authority’s armed force, leading to two hundred death and thousand of injuries.


Picture 2,3: Mr, Jun Wang, chairman of CDP and CDPWU and chief of 《China Democracy Journal》 gave a speech on the rally.

Picture 4: CDP members hold the rally of “Stop Persecution! Oppose Violent Suppression! in front of the China-General Consulate Office in New York.

Mr. Jun Wang, chairman of CDP and CDPWU and chief of 《China Democracy Journal》said Facing unrational, unjustice and filled of violence, people only have one way to select, which is bravely standing up to defend rights and protest against violence. Even they use blood and life to protect dignity and basic human rights. Thousands of blooding experiences have unveiled that we should end up violence, stop blooding and then building up a respectful and democratic, freedom, human rights and rule-by-law environment.

Mr. Jun Wang said Chinese human rights conditions haven’t improved till now, and CCP government should receive the International society’s suggestion that improve human rights, stop persecution and develop human rights talk. China needs democracy freedom and only a democratic government that can truly improve human rights.

Several CDP members gave speech and appeal for stopping persecution and violent suppression and for guaranteeing people’s basic human rights. Mr. Zheng, Kexue, vice chairman of China Liberal Democracy Party lead part of democrats to attend today’s rally and gave speeches.

Picture 5: Mr. Zheng, Kexue, vice chairman of China Liberal Democracy Party gives a speech in today’s rally.

Picture 6: CDP member gives a speech in today’s rally.

Picture 7: Part of CDP members acclaim in the rally

Picture 8: Part of CDP members are in the rally.

China Democracy Party
China Democracy Party World Union
《China Democracy Journal》
July 28, 2009




2009年7月28日上午11时,一百多名中国民主党成员来到中国驻纽约总领事馆前举行主题为“停止一切迫害!反对暴力镇压!”、“坚决维护各民族人民的基本人权!” 集会。中国民主党、中国民主党世界同盟主席、《中国民主报》社社长王军出席了今天的集会并发表讲话。









【 字体:

中国民主党       主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
地  址:            41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
 Website:                    http://www.cdpwu.org                                 http://www.cdpwu.org/en
 Tel: E-mail: cdpwu1998@gmail.com  cdpwu@yahoo.com(yahoo邮箱密码被盗请勿使用)