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日期: 10/7/2009 11:05:40 AM 发表人: 中国民主党

   Video 3: "Seminar Concerning CCP’s Stealing Nation for 60 Years before Memorial Day”in LA, U.S.A.


From 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm of Sep. 26, 2009, South Carlifornia forum, LA Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party, "The Epoch Times" La branch allied together to hold the Seminar Concerning CCP’s Stealing Nation for 60 Years before Memorial Day”in Montreal Library of La U.S.A.

Especially invited commentator talk about the “achievements” concerning politician, economy, ecology, military, high-tech and etc. and what it has brought to Chinese People?

Mr. Ning Ye, notable human rights lawyer in both New York and Washington D.C. said that we are discussing the Chinese democracy prospect. He indicated that presently the political mode of CCP is one-party autocracy, concerning the “anti-democracy” on politics, “anti-human being”, “anti-civilization and concerning “stableness”, “flourish” and ‘development”.

Prof. Zhifei Chen, notable current event commentator indicated that people know about “Nazism” and it is the abbreviation of “Nationalsozialismus” in Germany. At that time, German Nazism brought German flourish and development. However, it brought people a war and never returning edge. CCP presently is Nationalsozialismus and it is “Nazism”.

Mr. Fan Wu, Chinese Transit Government temporary president, and Caoan Scholar expressed their opinions though video, although they fail to come to the forum spot. Mr. Baiqiao Tang, spokesman of Chinese Transit government analyzes concerning the politics, economy, culture, ecology and etc, and it reaches that CCP regime has brought Chinese people disaster for 60 years regime.

Mr. Baiqiao Tang, spokesman of Chinese Transit Government and chairman of Chinese Peace Democracy Association said that what’s CCP on earth? It is “extreme power”, communism with Emperor Qin, the most brutal regime in the world and governs Chinese people’s marriage, birth-bearing, love and other aspects. We still stay with it for another 60 years, won’t we? Of course not. All the Chinese people should brush up our eyes, realize its evil nature and end up its tyranny with the rapidest velocity. Some people think that we have 130 trillion people and if CCP weren’t one-party autocracy, the country would be out of control. Hence, Mr. Hexiang Bian indicated that U.S.A. Protect Coalition pointed out that these people, as a matter of fact are not well—educated. He exemplified with Taiwan and Hong Kong, because they are developed countries, but they are not CCP’s achievements.

Mr. Dayong Li, executive chairman of global service center of quitting the CCP warns that don’t be confused by CCP’s slogans and that accept the lesson of CCP stealing the country. Meanwhile, he also pointed out that 《Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party》 let people realize the evil nature of CCP. Till now, quitting figure has already been over 6 trillion and tyranny of domestic authority scale has been even greater.


                【大纪元报道】1949至2009年,中共建(窃)国六十年,中共统治中国的历史,就是一部充满谎言洗脑教育、杀戮8千万中华儿女、出卖国土、疯狂破坏传统文化和生态环境、人为因素导致的毁灭性灾难、制度性腐败等等的罪恶和流氓的历史;也是神州大地、炎黄子孙的屈辱史。“十一”将至,中共准备大肆庆祝,耗费巨资在海外各国举办庆祝活动,为中共涂脂抹粉,继续欺骗和捆绑华人,散布毒素;中共为此化费巨资,强化命令,调动数十万人员排练 、准备大庆祝,以“歌功颂德”其永远“伟光正”。对中共的这个举动,老百姓认为是极大的浪费,他们很不满;在外界,也是议论纷纷:中共值得如此为自己喝采吗? 人们不仅要问: 中共窃国六十年带给中国、带给中华民族的到底是什么? 是幸福 还是痛苦?是平安 还是灾难?是光明还是黑暗?















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中国民主党       主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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