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日期: 9/1/2010 2:50:40 PM 发表人: 中国民主党


                  Vedeo:Rally for Strongly Require the CCP Government

                    to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin


Picture 1: Rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin” held in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York

Rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”——Strongly Protest against the CCP Government’s Persecution on the CDP Members!

At 11 O’clock on August 31, 2010, about 200 CDP members went to the Chinese Consulate General in New York to hold a rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”, “Strongly Protest against the CCP Government’s Persecution on the CDP Members!” Mr. Wang, June, Chairman of China Democracy Party and China Democracy Party World Union as well as the proprietor of China Democracy Journal participated in the rally and made a speech. Ms. Ge, Lifang, a representative from the Chinese League of Victims attended the rally and made a presentation.

Mr. Liu, Xianbin was born in Suining, Sichuan on December 2, 1968. He was admitted and enrolled by Institute of Labor and Personnel of the People’s University in China in 1987. In 1989, he participated in the June 4 movement, after which he continued participating democratic activities. On April 15, 1991, he was arrested by the CCP government and put into the Qincheng Jail. On December 28, 1992, the CCP government sentenced him to prison for 2 years and 6 months under the crime of “Instigating and Disseminating Anti-revolution.” In October 1993, he was released from the jail.

After his releasement, still insisting on his belief, Mr. Liu, Xianbin continued working hard for the enterprise of Chinese democratic freedom. In March, 1998, Mr. Liu, Xianbin published “ An Open Letter to The 9th Chinese Delegation Congregation, requiring the Chinese government to ameliorate Chinese Human Right Conditions and sign the International General Agreement of Human Right. On June 25, 1998, The China Democracy Party was established in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. Later on, Mr. Liu, Xianbin went to Chendu, Sichuan to prepare for activities of China Democracy Party in Sichuan. On December 15, 1998, Mr. Liu, Xianbin, and Mr. She, Wanbao, publicly established “Sichuan Fundraising Committee of China Democracy Party”.

In January, 1999, Mr. Liu, Xianbin went to Hubei, Huna, Zhejiang, Shandong and Beijing to discuss development and enlargement of the China Democracy Party with other CDP members. After being arrested and detained for one month, Mr. Liu, Xianbin, under escort, was sent back to Suining for extensive supervision. On July 7, 1999, Mr. Liu, Xianbin was arrested and sentenced to prison for 13 years in the severe crime of “Instigating and Subverting Government Authority” on August 6, 1999. After staying in prison for 9 years and 4 months Mr. Liu, Xianbin was released from the jail on December 6, 2008. After being free for only about 1 year, Mr. Liu, Xianbin was detained and held under the name of “Instigating and Subverting Government Authority” again on June 28, 2010, facing the third time of imprisonment in life.Mr. Liu, Xianbin belonged to the group which was the first to sign the Charter 08. Mr. Liu, Xianbin has been arrested and put into jail by the CCP government for 3 times for insisting and illustrating his democratic ideas.

Picture 2:Mr. Wang, June, Chairman of China Democracy Party and China Democracy Party World Union as well as the proprietor of China Democracy Journal participated in the rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”.

Picture 3:Mr. Wang, June, Chairman of China Democracy Party and China Democracy Party World Union as well as the proprietor of China Democracy Journal made a speech in the rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”.

Picture 4:Mr. Wang, June, Chairman of China Democracy Party and China Democracy Party World Union as well as the proprietor of China Democracy Journal shouted slogan with other CDP members in the rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”.

Picture 5: Ms. Ge, Lifang, a representative from the Chinese League of Victims made a speech in the rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”,held in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York. The topic was
" China's Laws are Only Decration to Cheat on the International Society. "

Mr. Wang, Jun, chairman of the Chinese Democracy Party and the China Democracy Party World Union as well as the Proprietor of the China Democracy Journal made a presentation in the rally. He pointed out that in 2010 the common Chinese people’s life is harder and harder each day. Natural and man-made disasters appear repeatedly, which add more trouble to the disturbed society. There are grievances and complaints in the entire Chinese society. More and more people petition for right protection. More and more strikes go on from time to time. Commodity prices keep high for a long time in the bubble economy. China's overall economy and the Chinese Communist regime is facing unprecedented threats. Regardless of the situation of facing collapse, the CCP government continuing arresting and detaining dissidents and activists, religious activists and the China Democracy Party members. The famous right defending activists, CDP member Mr. Liu, Xianbin was arrested by the CCP authorities. One week later , on July 5, the CCP government flagrantly officially announced the arrest of Mr. Liu Xianbin. The CCP was in such a hurry to arrest such a weak intellectual proves that the CCP government is a dictatorial, lawless, government which tramples law freely.

Mr. Wang, Jun said after the CCP government arrested Mr. Liu, Xianbin, on July 6, 2010, the CDP and China Democracy Journal together held a rally for "Strongly Protest the Chinese Government’s Arresting China Democracy Party Member Liu, Xianbin " in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York on July 6, 2010, appealing for all the overseas democracy activists and associations to take all means to protest against the CCP authority and carry out rescue operations. At the mean time, they called upon the international community and international human rights organizations to exert pressure on the CCP government to urge the CCP government to comply with the historical trend and immediately release the CDP member, Mr. Liu, Xianbin. Less than two months, a protest against the Communist authorities and activities of rescuing Liu Xianbin was implemented in the world.

Several Chinese Democratic Party members made speeches at the rally, condemning CCP government’s persecution on the CDP members and requiring the CCP government to release all detained CDP members and immediately release the CDP member Mr. Liu, Xianbin. Famous activists, the Chinese Democratic Party, Mr. Liu Xianbin 2010, June 28, and arrested by the Communist authorities, a week later, on 5 July, also flagrantly officially announced the arrest of Mr. Liu Xianbin. In such a hurry to arrest a wenruoshusheng, proof of the Chinese Communist Government is a dictatorial, lawlessness, trampled the legal Government. Mr. Wang Jun said that the Chinese Communist Government arrest Mr. Liu Xianbin, 2010, 6 July, the Chinese Democratic Party, democratic daily, in the Consulate General in New York in front of coalition held a "strong protest against the Communist Chinese Democrats Liu Xianbin" rallies, meetings and calls for the overseas democracy movement, pro-democracy groups in various ways to protest against the Communist authorities, and to carry out rescue operations; at the same time, calls upon the international community and international human rights organizations to exert pressure on the Government of the PRC, which prompted the Chinese Communist Government comply with the historical trend, the immediate release of the China Democracy Party, Mr. Liu Xianbin. Less than two months, to start a protest against the Communist authorities, rescue Liu Xianbin action around the world. Several Chinese Democratic Party members at the rally, persecuted by the Communist Government condemned the Chinese Democratic Party, called the Chinese Communist Government to release all imprisoned Chinese Democratic Party, the immediate release of the China Democracy Party, Mr. Liu Xianbin!

Picture 6: Some CDP members in the Rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”held in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York.

Picture 7: Some volunteers for the China Democracy Journal participated in the Rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”held in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York.

Picture 8: Some representatives from the Chinese League of Victims exhibited pictures of Chinese victims who were persecuted to blood during Shanghai World Expo in the Rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”held in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York.

Picture 9: Some CDP members hold a banner "Strongly Protest Against the CCP Government's Persecution on the CDP Members!" in the Rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”held in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York.

Picture 10: Some CDP members in the Rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”held in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York.

Picture 11: Some CDP members in the Rally for “Strongly Require the CCP Government to Instantly Release the CDP member Liu, Xianbin”held in front of the Chinese Consulate General in New York.




                               —— 强烈抗议中共政府迫害中国民主党人

    刘贤斌先生是四川遂宁人,生于1968年10月2日, 1987年考上中国人民大学劳动人事学院。1989年在北京参与爱国民主运动,六四后被捕入狱,释放以后的刘贤斌先生继续坚持参与民主活动。1991年4月15日,被中共当局逮捕,关进了秦城监狱,1992年12月28日,中共当局以“反革命宣传煽动罪”判处刘贤斌先生有期徒刑2年6个月,1993年10月出狱。





    王军说,中共政府逮捕刘贤斌先生以后, 2010年7月6日,中国民主党、《中国民主报》社在中国驻纽约总领事馆前联合举行了“强烈抗议中共抓捕中国民主党人刘贤斌”集会,集会呼吁海外民运人士、民运团体采用各种方式对中共当局进行抗议,并开展营救行动;同时,呼吁国际社会与国际人权组织给中共政府施加压力,促使中共政府顺应历史潮流,立即释放中国民主党人刘贤斌先生。不到两个月时间,在全世界范围内迅速掀起了抗议中共当局,营救刘贤斌行动。今天,中国民主党再次来到中国驻纽约总领事馆前举行集会,强烈抗议中共政府迫害中国民主党人!强烈要求中共政府立即释放中国民主党人刘贤斌先生!还刘贤斌先生自由!









【 字体:

中国民主党       主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
地  址:            41-25   Kissena   Blvd.   FLR 1 #110,   Flushing,   NY   11355   USA
 Website:                    http://www.cdpwu.org                                 http://www.cdpwu.org/en
 Tel: E-mail: cdpwu1998@gmail.com  cdpwu@yahoo.com(yahoo邮箱密码被盗请勿使用)