Ping Cui: Chinese Medias don’t have the right to report news
Chinese society has hidden disturbing crisis, and it has become further deeper. This kind of crisis has been made by the worse society system and Medias under the control of the government don’t have monitoring. Today, government officials’corruptive phenomena have become much more severe and the most severe corruptive problem is the main reason to disturb Chinese society. In order to veil these problems and oppress different voices, Chinese government has arranged crimes and arbitrarily and forcefully persecuted to the criticized.
Under the democratic system, government officials have suffered the severe constraints of Constitutions and law, like the common people, and even suffered much more severe constraints than the common people. Under the autocratic system, all levels of bureaucracy haven’t suffered the monitoring problems. Government officials’ actions have been considered privacy, and nobody knows any traits. No Medias dare to openly report and monitor the planned scheme, or the government officials’ track or officials’ personal affairs. The reason is simple, under the autocratic system Chinese Medias don’t have the right to report news, or don’t have the freedom to monitor news.
Ping Cui
June 12, 2009