Hong Gu: Chinese hope is to realize democracy freedom system
Democracy freedom is the hope of Chinese society, also is the base to guarantee China existence. However, how should Chinese democracy freedom do? How Chinese people recognize democracy, master the essence of democracy and that is what we should consider.
Democracy freedom is not a show, and it is the whole Chinese people’s thing. Only that whole people fully understand the nature and essence of democracy freedom can impetus the construction of Chinese democracy freedom.
We should let Chinese people understand that democracy freedom is the long-term benefit. Autocracy contains fraudulence, also can fulfill people’s needs. Its benefits are immediate, but autocracy is accumulating day after day. On the contrary, the harm of democracy freedom society is immediate, but benefits will be obvious for a long time.
Today’s Chinese society, we can see the positive reports, and it seems that everywhere is peaceful and graceful. However democratic country can truly inform the appearance to people, and Medias can expose the social negative to the public. That is the difference between autocratic and democracy system.
Hong Gu
January 28, 2009