Qiaoyue Huang: Support Chinese People’s Rights-Defending Activity
黄巧月(Qiaoyue Huang)
In the recent years, Chinese government has sharply advocated that we should build up “a harmonious society”, hold up the flap centered with economy building. They use violation to forcibly acquisite land, remove buildings, and seriously invaded people’s basic rights. When people have been driven to have no choice, and when their living rights have been deprived, Chinese people’s patience degree has been reduced to the bottom line. What they have impressed and unfairness will break out, become the chain reaction and light up great human rights-defending fire.
It is the rights-defending activity happening in today’s Chinese society. These kinds of right-defending activities directly point at CCP autocracy, open fighting, argue on the Basis of reason and justice emits justice radiance. I, myself, as CDP member, firmly support Chinese people’s human rights defending activities. Let’s fight together and build up China a democracy, freedom, human rights and rule-by-law country.
Qiaoyue Huang
July 25, 2009