Jiabin Du: Chinese medical corrupt should be inhibited
杜加斌(Jiabin Du)
Today Chinese people happened to meet three problems, difficulty of medical service, of housing and of schooling. Among them, difficulty of medical service is the most obvious, among the top of the three difficulties. Common people are sick and go to hospital, and firstly they have to pay the fee. The inpatient patients have to prepare for huge amounts of money to cure their illness. If they don’t have money, no matter what illness, they won’t go to hospital. During the treatment in hospital, patients’ relatives should give bribery money to doctors and nurses. Otherwise, they would happen to meet unexpected problems. They also have to pay enough medical fees. If the fee is not enough, patients’ relatives should immediately supplement. If the fees are not paid in time, hospitals will stop treatment, stop medicine or stop injection, even they stop the serious patients’ air provider. Such lack of moral standards only can be seen in Chinese hospitals and Chinese people don’t have the freedom of speech right.
Medical aid is related to people’s life and inhibiting medical corrupt needs everyone’s concerted efforts and participation. Medical corrupt is the shrinking phenomenon of Chinese society. If the system of Chinese society has improved, anti-corrupt will be improved and the whole medical system will be improved. The violated medical stuffs should be punished and the vigor which can hit can shock corrupt can be strengthened.
Jiabin Du
Sep.2, 2009