Wang, Xueyuan: The Outlet of China is Realization
Date: 3/30/2010 12:17:36 PM
Sender: Wang, Xueyuan
Wang, Xueyuan: The Outlet of China is Realization of A Democracy System
王雪原(Wang, Xueyuan)
At many regions of China, mass conflicts between ordinary people and the government keep on appearing. Over thousands of population is intrigued into these incidents and many get injured or killed. Facing these situations, CCP authority proposes the plan to strictly do legal administration in order to promote the harmony and stability of the society. The fundamental problem is that it is the autocracy social system in Chinese society that causes all these conflicts.
To maintain their regime, CCP use the lie “Stability is More Than Anything” to deceive the people. “Stability is More Than Anything” is aimed at keeping CCP’s political power steady and maintain its regime. The final goal is to protect the benefits of CCP’s ruling groups. However, this saying is just CCP authority’s mere wish. Today’s CCP has reached its moment of extinction. In Chinese society under CCP’s regime, there is large scale corruption. None of the CCP officials are immune of corruption. It’s not a coincidence for this situation to happen. These phenomena show that CCP is dying. If the socials system of China doesn’t change as soon as possible, the dying government will not be rescued.
Solving the conflicts between people and officials is a key point to keep social stability. The best outlet for CCP authority is abandoning autocracy, promote democracy, freedom, human rights and legislation and finally establish a true democracy system in China.
Wang, Xueyuan
March 30, 2010
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