Wang,Bingfeng: Analysis of corruption under differ
Date: 6/7/2010 1:10:12 PM
Sender: Wang,Bingfeng
Wang,Bingfeng: Analysis of corruption under different social regime
Although there is no absolute incorruptibility in any country, we can instance corruptions in any countries. However, corruptions have different levels and different essences
Corruption exists in any democratic countries meanwhile there are also problems on power exchange for money. However this is negligible compared with whose prevalent existence and overtly corruptions, on one hand, there is essential differences depend upon the social system, on the other hand, there is an extent differences. There are minor corruptions in democracy countries while there is a huge contrast in China that the corruption problem is so bad, making it different from the essence.
The great disparity of corruption between two different society lies within social system. The system of democratic country is avoiding corruption while the system in China is protecting corruptive officials. It is very rare that the prevalence of corruption and the depth and width of it. There is scarce corruption in democracy country even the exposure of bribery worth hundreds dollars will make entire society bombed, becoming object of media and public opinion, while in China corruption exists in kinds of styles involving from top officials to village sheriff as long as they have power in hand, participating corruption without exceptions.
In fact, the Chinese government combated some of corruptive cases and the one who is being prosecuted is because they lost their political thunders not because their misdemeanors or corruptive behaviors, becoming the scapegoat of power combat. There are more or less corruptions in one society and only by implementing democracy and complying with Constitution can corruptions be confined.
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