Zhu, Yuan: Government Officials in Democratic Syst
Date: 5/20/2008 1:18:37 PM
Sender: Zhu, Yuan
Zhu, Yuan: Government Officials in Democratic System can Really Serve for People
朱源(Zhu, Yuan)
At present, the democratic system is more reasonable social system, which can be accepted by people in majority of the world; democratic system seems some loopholes, it is most severe and brutal political system. Some people have raised questions about the democratic system. They say there will be no corruption western democratic government? Answer is yes. Because even in the most perfect social system it is impossible to prevent corruption, like any system can’t stop criminal to crime.
The benefits of achievement of a democratic system is: First, the power of checks and balances, the supervision of public opinion, the citizens right to information, etc., may make any corrupt government officials to think more before they act. Second, the long run, people can masters, no person or political party can be corrupt, persecute live, they must truly serve the people.
Zhu, Yuan
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