Fang,Deqing: Serious corruption problems of Chines
Date: 12/8/2010 5:06:25 PM
Sender: Fang,Deqing
Fang,Deqing: Serious corruption problems of Chinese officials originates from the System
CCP governs Chinese society with autocratic means for a long time, and dictatorship is the source of all unstable factors and social problems, the characteristic of CCP is one-party dictatorship, officials under this system are not restricted by law and not supervised by people, officials seek personal gains with power and power-money exchange are common and remain incessant. Many officials have no concern for suffers and struggles of common people, and no regard for poor people who live in deep distress. Their work is to corrupt and enjoy banquets using public funds; they don’t treat common people as human being and have low morality.
The government usually harbors corrupt officials, and Medias under the control of government often fabricate, using lies to cover up truth of official corruption, and creating a “harmonious” situation of prosperity and powerful nation.
China should implement democratic system and only that system can make China a harmonious society that is civilized and moral. All power in China belong to people, CCP has to turn over power, and carry out democratic constitutionalism with multi-party rotating regime, effectively restrain official corruption, an let China enjoy democracy, freedom, human rights and rule of law.
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