Li, Bingshun: Counter-Corruption by Limiting Government Power
Date: 4/12/2011 2:45:42 PM
Sender: Li,Bingshun
Li,Bingshun: Counter-Corruption by Limiting Government Power
China's problem of corruption is getting more and more serious, the government has taken many measures in the anti-corruption work, many counter-corruption policies have made, many corrupt official were also punished, but even so, the corrupt case still increased steadily, and has been presenting a rising trend, what is the reason?
Today's China political system is Chinese Communist Party one-party dictatorial system, one of this system's characteristics is power of government and official's is not limited, out of people's surveillance, which cause many official abusing of authority, illegal transaction between power and money. these people are not only the owners of power, but also is the huge illegal benefit winner. Therefore, some officials do not give a thought to the law, involving embezzlement and corruption, and causing corrupt case more and more.
Under despotic system, government official holds the absolute authority, this absolute authority causes inevitably absolutely corrupt, which is a general-acceptance common truth in the world. Because China had a corrupt system, China has a corruption government, has many corruption officials. Only abandons of despotic system, implementing multi-party democratic constitutionalism system, the power of government official can be limited, counter-corruption can make progress.
Li, Bingshun
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