Zhu, Meiying: Democratic free system will realize in China
Date: 8/23/2011 3:02:29 PM
Sender: Zhu, Meiying
Zhu, Meiying: Democratic free system will realize in China
朱美英(Zhu, Meiying)
CCP government has realized one problem, and it is that abuse of authority and corruption will be limited by the party in power effectively after the implement of democratic system, showing any ruling party under the democratic system can’t be above laws. Therefore, democratic system collapses the long-term ruling position of CCP.
But, CCP neglects the benefits of nation and people and resists not promoting political reform for the benefits of the party and officials. So they are unwilling to give authority back to people, build democratic election system and practice democratic political system with press’s supervision and judicial independence. It illustrates CCP’s attitude to Chinese people is very irresponsible.
If CCP is still sticking to so-called the Chinese Characteristic socialism economics under the autocracy of CCP, new crisis will appear in Chinese society definitely. Because there is no separation between the party and nation, and authority, autocracy in China will must paralyze and disintegrate and democratic free system will replace it.
Zhu, Meiying
Aug 23, 2011
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