Zheng, Caitong: China‘s Human Rights Situation is Deteriorating
Date: 12/10/2012 1:17:11 PM
Sender: Zheng, Caitong
Zheng, Caitong: China's Human Rights Situation is Deteriorating
On December 10, 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 217A (III), and promulgated the "Declaration of Human Rights". December 10, 1948 is its sixty-fourth anniversary. China is one of the signatories of it. Though it has passed so many years, China’s human rights situation has not improved. From the current situation, China’s human rights record is in the final ranking, which is in a very bad state.
The ordinary people in China still cannot enjoy basic human rights today. The Chinese government has governed this country with “rule of man” in a long term. Here, “rule of man” has completely replaced the “rule of law”. For many years, the Chinese government has committed to the international society to improve China’s human right situation. United Nations and the international community also put hope on the Chinese government, hoping Chinese government can improve the situation.
Today, China’s human rights situation is still the same. This government agrees overtly but oppose covertly. On one hand, the government tells the international society to improve human rights on a high profile. On the other hand, it uses brutal means to persecute people, deprives people’s basic human rights, continue to arrest and detain dissidents, human rights activists, and religious persons. The fact is telling that China’s human rights situation is deteriorating.
Zheng, Caitong
December 10, 2012
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