Xie, Feng: Chinese Communist Party to take ‘forced disappearance’against human rights lawyer
Date: 1/10/2016 5:12:57 PM
Sender: Xie, Feng
Xie, Feng: Chinese Communist Party to take ‘forced disappearance’against human rights lawyer
谢锋(Xie, Feng)
In recent years, the CCP intensified the persecution of human rights lawyers for the continent, in addition to the sentence of detention, there is a way of disappearance.
Often in such a situation, some active human rights lawyer suddenly disappeared, to find out where are not, the government has also no news, no reason was so missing.
This condition is defined as "forced disappearance" is usually made by the authoritarian government, or at the behest of the autocratic government made in the international human rights treaties
Enforced disappearance is a despicable act of serious human rights violations, is a way of police state terror, international law is strictly prohibited and is strongly condemned.
Enforced disappearances to the parties and their families, and even the whole society, to bring a climate of terror.
Everyone lives in fear of panic among the authorities do not know when we should be enforced disappearance, never to see relatives and friends.
Such a state of terror reflects Chinese Communist Party is a living hell under the rule.
Xie, Feng
January 10, 2016
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