Dong, Xingbiao:Chinese mainland enterprises serious overstaffing
Date: 10/1/2014 5:43:44 PM
Sender: Dong, Xingbiao
Dong, Xingbiao:Chinese mainland enterprises serious overstaffing
董行标(Dong, Xingbiao)
Chinese mainland state-owned enterprises currently very serious overstaffing phenomenon, many large factories reared a lot of idlers.
Shop workers do not have enough to do, smoke chat nap sleep, organ department staff bored, wandering stopping playing cards, in fact, are in a state of idleness.
Overstaffed state-owned enterprises in mainland China, mainly due to the use of authority leading cadres, placement own relatives and friends to work the family business accomplishing state-owned factories.
Originally it requires less labor to complete the work, but many people do arrangements, resulting in overcrowding. Overstaffing phenomenon greatly increase the cost of business operations, making the factory floor bloated, can not be in the market economy and private enterprises to compete with foreign companies, so that gradually lose its vitality, slowly toward collapse. To reduce overstaffing phenomenon, improve production efficiency, the Chinese mainland state-owned enterprises must carry out drastic reform
Dong, Xingbiao
October 1, 2014
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