Dong, Xingbiao:Annual breaking news official and unofficial different
Date: 8/18/2015 4:48:45 PM
Sender: Dong, Xingbiao
Dong, Xingbiao:Annual breaking news official and unofficial different
董行标(Dong, Xingbiao)
With the growing popularity of TV households, the main countries in the world media, during the end of the dawn, always recalled when events occur throughout the year, then named national important news, again playing to the public, to remind people of the New Year, do not Forgot your country has just experienced things, remembering history into the new year.
After the reform and opening up, the CPC is also the introduction of such practices, the official broadcast media should be back by the end of every major news throughout the year, but the selection of the CCP often caused much controversy mainland people.
For example, in China's official media gave a year of major news including eighteen big victory is held, even by nine food production, the first aircraft carrier to pay access column, the Chinese economy is running smoothly and so on.
However, the official website to vote by Internet users in the year's Top breaking news, include veterans petitions, Tibetan monk self-immolation, the requirements of universal suffrage in Hong Kong, South devastating floods, etc., showing what people care about is completely different and the official, the autocratic government only good news not reporting only bad news, do not put hot social issues in my heart.
Dong, Xingbiao
August 18, 2015
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