Dong, Xingbiao:TV guilty Description worsening human rights situation in China
Date: 2/20/2016 6:55:33 PM
Sender: Dong, Xingbiao
Dong, Xingbiao:TV guilty Description worsening human rights situation in China
董行标(Dong, Xingbiao)
Mainland China has recently appeared frequently democracy and human rights lawyers who pleaded guilty TV phenomenon, even including foreign reporters to the mainland to support the human rights movement, was forced to publicly confess his so-called crimes on television, recognize the CCP's violation of laws and regulations, he said to change pain before non rebirth, the authorities are willing to accept criminal penalties.
These disclosures are guilty under Communist persecution carried out.
Authorities by threatening the safety of their children, families, refused to give them the necessary medicines and treatment when they are sick, even tortured, and so barbaric means of torture to force them to publicly humiliate themselves to show the enormous power of the Chinese regime.
Self-critical public review during the Mao era is very popular, including high-ranking officials made a mistake in the future, you must write a check to accept all criticism, sometimes several public examination to pass.
After the Cultural Revolution this humiliating criticism was somewhat restrained, but recently revived and new means of television transmission, described the human rights situation in China has not improved, and have actually continued to deteriorate.
Dong, Xingbiao
February 20, 2016
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