Sun, Zhude: The international community look bad economic prospects in China
Date: 10/10/2015 5:36:13 PM
Sender: Sun, Zhude
Sun, Zhude: The international community look bad economic prospects in China
孙祝德(Sun, Zhude)
Mainland China's economic development has stalled, the future prospects are very good.
The recent international financial credit institutions released a report, the Chinese mainland economy rating forecast from stable down to negative, which is based on Chinese government debt is increasing, foreign exchange reserves continued to fall, the yuan depreciated and conclusions.
China's official Xinhua News Agency immediately of this downgrade report lashed out, pointed down Chinese economic forecasts rating reflects the Western countries for Chinese economic pessimism and prejudice, they look forward to an early collapse of the Chinese economy, so to make this downgrade report for mislead the international community, so that people lose confidence in the prospects for China's development.
Although the CCP angry counterattack, but facts speak for themselves, the Chinese mainland has been a marked economic recession, a sharp decline in exports, weak market demand, and because of the lack of innovation and technological obsolescence, increased labor costs, future projections are very optimistic.
Long-term economic stagnation will inevitably lead to social unrest, will also affect the stability of the Chinese regime.
Sun, Zhude
October 10, 2015
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