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Li,Ruqiang: Be a person who distinguishes right from wrong
Date: 8/8/2020 8:05:48 PM Sender: Li,Ruqiang
Li,Ruqiang: Be a person who distinguishes right from wrong
In a world full of lies, be a person who distinguishes right from wrong. In the face of an organized regime that manufactures lies, it is difficult for people to stand alone without being affected by it. On the one hand, it uses censorship and the terror of the police to prevent people from pursuing the truth; on the other hand, it employs millions of propagandists to smear itself and promote the gospel of socialism to what it can reach on earth. Every corner. Obviously, in a sensible and discerning world, it is difficult for such a regime to have a place, at least it will not be welcomed. However, the frustrating thing is that when you look around, you will be horrified to find that this is far from the true reality. In fact, on the big stage of the international community, the Chinese Communist regime is able to advance and retreat freely, and it is step by step towards the pinnacle of its sacred cause. Its success has fully demonstrated to the world that lies have become less shameful and hateful. On the contrary, people not only accept it, but it also becomes the basic material of the world in which we live. This world has long been suffering from an incurable disease, because—in a sense, the CCP’s ability to call the wind and rain in the world also reflects the world’s immunity to lies and the degree of its moral degeneration. As a result, people will soon discover a peculiar and rather absurd political phenomenon. Those dictatorships that are now enslaving their own people and have blood on their hands can sit in the solemn hall of the United Nations and criticize them plausibly. Countries that truly aim to uphold and implement the UN Charter and its purposes, such as the United States. What's worse is that, just like the Jewish Sanhedrin tried Jesus back then, such voices can often prevail in the end. As people can observe with the naked eye, facts speak louder than words. Today, UNESCO is vigorously touting and praising those countries that promote hate education, disseminating and promoting their "advanced culture" for creating hatred and hostility; the United Nations Human Rights Council regards condemning Israel as its own item. It is routine work, and the truth is that Israel is one of the countries with the best human rights situation in the world. As for the UN Secretary-General, the political rhetoric used to defend the actions of those dictatorships is no less than that of these regimes. Justify the defense of guilt. In my opinion, this is not the failure of democracy, but the inevitable result of the abuse of democracy. Today, the principle of international democracy has increasingly highlighted its narrowness and limitations. It no longer opens the way for justice. On the contrary, it conceals the evil under the legal name of equal participation and majority decision making, enabling it to be swaggered. To walk in the world. In my opinion, the principle of international democracy does not naturally mean that the governments of all countries should have equal voting rights in the UN General Assembly. Rather, they should expose the crimes of trampling on human rights by dictatorships that deviate from the spirit of democracy in broad daylight. The political process of promoting democratization among the countries and peoples that have not yet achieved democracy has left those dictators who follow the law of the jungle like rats on the street, panicking all day long. In other words, the United Nations should return to its original intention when it was founded, instead of providing government officials of various countries with a long-sleeved stage for performances. Only in this way can it have a solid moral foundation and be truly worthy. The respect of the masters. Otherwise, the United Nations should stop and do nothing, because it cannot actually do anything meaningful.

August 8, 2020

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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