Zhu,Fengxia:Fake elections under the CCP
Member elections in western democracies are held roughly every 3-4 years, and are a major event in people's lives.
During the election, the candidates nominated by various parties went to the grassroots to publicize their political opinions. The media and TV continuously broadcast background reports introducing the candidates, as well as various election rallies and TV debates.
On the other hand, in mainland China, the elections of deputies to the people's congresses at all levels are held every five years. Although they are advertised as open democratic elections, the CCP's newspapers and TVs remain silent, and they cannot see any news about the elections of deputies to the people's congresses.
The officially nominated candidates did not have any election activities, so the so-called democratic elections were carried out silently and silently in various places.
There is a huge difference between the election of representatives of public opinion in Western countries and China, which fully demonstrates that the CCP’s democracy is a complete fake democracy.
Although ordinary people in mainland China have the right to vote legally, they don't know anything about the candidates and cannot make a choice at all. They can only accept candidates predetermined by the authorities. In fact, they are deprived of the right to free elections.
December 21, 2021