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Duan,Wenzhe:China should have implemented modernization long ago
Date: 2/12/2024 2:37:11 PM Sender: Duan,Wenzhe
Duan,Wenzhe:China should have implemented modernization long ago
After the CCP came to power in mainland China, it did not focus on developing the economy, but instead engaged in class struggle and launched one political movement after another. At the same time, it abolished the free market, promoted the planned economy, and suppressed people's enthusiasm for production. As a result, materials were extremely tight, and people in urban and rural areas were short of food and clothing. China has experienced long-term poverty, backwardness, and social depression. . . . . . .
If the CCP had focused on people's lives and economic development after it came to power, learned from the experience of various countries, established a market economy, introduced advanced world technology, integrated into the international market, and at the same time relaxed constraints and mobilized people's enthusiasm, China would have developed and become a modern country with the hard work and wisdom of the Chinese people.
After delaying China for more than 30 years, facing the collapse of the national economy, the CCP was forced to abandon the planned economy and carry out open reforms. The national economy has developed and people's living standards have improved. Therefore, the CCP boasted that it led the people out of poverty and into prosperity. This is completely a distortion of the truth. In fact, if there was no CCP, the Chinese people could have lived better and more prosperously.
In fact, it is the CCP's autocracy that has delayed China's modernization process.
February 12, 2024

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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