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“Kingdom of Lies”
Date: 3/13/2006 3:37:34 PM Sender: Dongzhu Piao

                                         By Dongzhu Piao 10/27/2005

                                        “Kingdom of Lies”

      Every Chinese knows about the Culture Revolution. During the Culture Revolution the people were even deprived of the rights to keep silent: they had to speak out to show their loyalty to the regime. Today there is still no freedom of thinking or speech for the people. Chinese Communist Party forces everybody to be consistent with the leadership of CCP in thinking and speech. In this regard CCP dwarfs the feudal rulers in the history.
      Hence, all the directives, policies and theories from CCP’s leadership are extolled and puffed up by their subordinates at all levels, which becomes a unique character of China. If there was a competition to tell lies and false statements, People’s Republic of China without doubt would finish first.

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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