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Establish Constitutional Government to Protect Cit
Date: 3/13/2006 4:30:16 PM Sender: Jinglin Xue

                                           By Jinglin Xue 1/13/2006

     Establish Constitutional Government to Protect Citizens’ Rights

      In China, it is provided in the constitution that citizens’ personal right and property right are protected. But this kind of protection must be founded on the citizen’s right to sue. Due to the seriously flawed judicial systems, the basic rights provided in the constitution perform practically no function. In reality, violations of citizens’ rights happened frequently. More severely, the people can not get legal assistance when their rights are violated.
      In recent years the number has been growing of the incidents in which the people tried to defend their rights. In China, constitutional government must be established, for two purposes: first to restrict the power of government; second to protect citizens’ rights. Protecting citizens’ rights is at the core of establish constitutional government.

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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