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People suffering form the swelling bureaucracy
Date: 3/15/2006 10:23:27 AM Sender: Ning Chen

                                          By Ning Chen 3/11/2005

             People suffering form the swelling bureaucracy

      At the recent Political Consultative Conference, some committee members pointed out: the ratio of the government officials to the population reached an unprecedented 1:26. Ten years ago the ratio was 1:40. At the beginning of the opening and reforming the ration is 1:67.

      Ironically the higher ratios resulted from the repeated “downsizing and streamlining” of the government. The “downsizing and streamlining” didn’t reduce the number of government officials. Instead the government was swelling. The number of government officials increased from 2.79 million in 1979 to 8 million in 1997, more than doubled in less than 20 years. The key reason that “downsizing and streamlining” didn’t work is the bureaucracy under the one-party dictatorship. On the position of government official a person can trade his power for money. Thus more government positions were created, the government agencies kept growing in size, and the corruption was spreading widely and deeply.

      In addition, Chinese Communist Party holds that “the Party controls all”. Top down all the government agencies have two sets of personnel. Even the state-owned businesses and schools are not exempt. To keep the two sets of personnel, the people in China shoulder a burden as twice as the people do in other countries.

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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