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Autocracy Needs Lies and Autarchy Needs Black Curt
Date: 3/15/2006 10:47:45 AM Sender: Bo Sun

                                             By Bo Sun   9/13/2005

      Autocracy Needs Lies and Autarchy Needs Black Curtain

       The chief of Propagandizing Department of German Gebelrea said one famous sentence: When a lie is repeated one thousand times, it would be truth.

       The leaders of CCP are similar to the words above: You can not achieve big deal if you don’t lies.  Another phrase “False, large and empty” is also the patent of CCP.  In reality, they need lies as well as in history.  They knew history is a mirror of reality.  Hiding, distorting and forging history are the same behavior with an autarchy in all dynasties.

       Forgetting history means betrayal.  CCP needs people to forget history and betray their ancestors.  Thousands of TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, publications and institutions have been controlled by CCP.  There are no referral, comparison, and supervision.  Historians only can write history following what CCP wants.

       Regarding the history before CCP, it tailored, edited and used history for itself.  The textbooks in school are made by them.  All politicians are separated into two types: Fa Jia group and Ru  They had praised highly the so called heroes from Fa Jia group and disreputed those from Ru Jia group.  The politicians in Fa Jia group have been outright tyrants who killed people in any way.

       The division and comment explain that CCP thinks that it is the same as outright tyrants with many features in the history. Besides doing what ever it wants, it even directly changes modern and ancient history.

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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