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Democracy Is Going to Win, Autarchy Is Going to Fa
Date: 3/24/2006 1:31:53 PM Sender: Li Zhang

                                             By Li Zhang 3/3/2006

      Democracy Is Going to Win, Autarchy Is Going to Fail

         ——Speech on the seminar for building and future of democracy

      Today, more than ten of CDPWU members are holding the seminar for building and future of democracy hosted by the dean of the Atlanta branch Mr. Kenong Chen.

      Before the seminar, Mr. Kenong Chen had read the congratulation letters of CDPWU chairman, Jun Wang, the famous democracy movement activitist, Baiqiao Tang, and Mr. Xizhe Wang

      I made the speech “Speak from American Democratic Party’s Headquarters”.

      In my speech, I compared CCP’s big, countless offices with the headquarters of one of the main ruling American parties: Democratic party.  CCP is the vampire, which is one of the reasons for Chinese people to be suffering and for China to be slowly developing.  

      I also pointed out that the reason for CCP to set up so many big party committees is because CCP is the fascist dictator organization in China with the largest population in the world.  Only by building so many Gestapo-style party committees, can it control people.

      I think that the operation of China needs legislature, executive, and judicial departments that are independent right, and inter-restrictive.  China requires an independent media as well.  Without CCP, China will be better.

      I think further that CCP’s offices should be reduced and minimized like American Democratic Party’s.  There is only one method:  Overthrow CCP and the one-party autarchy.  Rebuild China’s political system.
      I finally indicated that China’s democratic cause is winding, but.the future is bright.  For CDP members in the world, as long as we are not afraid of being imprisoned and calling for more Chinese people to fight together, I believe China’s democratic cause will win soon.

      CDPWU members, such as Hailong Li and Song Wang, agreed with me and talked as well.

      There were famous lawyer: Quan Shang, and the Epoch Times’ Chao Hui Lu in the meeting.

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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