Liu, Bing: China Communist Fears Voices of West De
Date: 12/9/2006 2:21:06 PM
Sender: Liu, Bing
Liu, Bing: China Communist Fears Voices of West Democratic Countries
The biggest weakness of China communist totalitarian rulers is that they are not able to hear any different voice. After China communist seized the state power of China, it has landed China step by step in an isolated diplomatic circumstance by implementing autocratic high-handed policy inside and nonalignment policy outside.
In order to extricating itself from the international predicament, China communist spares not damaging national long-term interests and sacrificing interests of native populaces, using its own word is that China communist won’t yield to any pressure at the issue of party authority. What is this kind of thinking mode? It is undoubtedly an extreme selfish and terrible Nazi thought. No wonder since it came into power China communist has always felt disturbed and been so sensitive to political speeches inside and outside country, it is closely related to its place of impasse. Because China communist terribly fears the democratic system, it dislikes those west democratic countries not only at heart but also on words and deeds. However west democratic countries represent the historic developing trend of entire world, their international status heighten increasingly, and all over the world more and more lean to even transfer to democratic system. Although China communist’s domestic doings are more and more unpopular, it still doesn’t want to abandon the political system of “one party dictatorship”.
Liu, Bing
Jun. 27, 2006
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