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Zhang, Lishan: The Realization of Democracy in Chi
Date: 1/6/2007 11:24:19 AM Sender: Zhang, Lishan

         Zhang, Lishan: The Realization of Democracy in China Complies with Development of Mankind Civilization

In China, democracy used to be the prophets’ cherish and conscience, but now things changed. Dictatorship is the most efficient sowing machines for a democratic system. When one party autocracy became the most powerful in scale and thorough into every corner of the society, democracy began to assume its shape visible and touchable in front of ordinary people.

If China communist government accepts democracy willingly and terminates its one party dictatorship and realizes democratic politics, then China communist party would become a political party of legitimacy; otherwise it would not be able to avoid the fate of self-dying out, and such a fate is not avoidable by China communist through lies and tyranny. Because democracy is the main tide of human civilization, and all the world should stand on the top of civilization development so as to see clear the destiny of human civilization development and the movement of history.

Zhang, Lishan

中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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