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Duan,Wenzhe:China will also move towards democracy
Date: 7/1/2023 4:33:23 PM Sender: Duan,Wenzhe
Duan,Wenzhe:China will also move towards democracy
China has a history of more than 5,000 years. Among all the ancient countries in the world, China is the only continuous civilization.
The Chinese people today are still the descendants of the ancient clan tribes in the Yellow River Basin. The current writing is still the continuation of the early oracle bone script and bronze script. This kind of continuous civilization is unique in the world.
But this continuous history also has a disadvantage, that is, it always repeats itself and nothing new appears.
From Qin Shihuang to former Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong, there have been dozens of dynasties in more than 2,000 years, and they are still following the old path of feudal autocracy.
In contrast, Western countries have seen the emergence of new things such as the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and the Democratic Revolution in modern times, which has made Western countries always stand at the forefront of the world.
However, in recent years, ancient China has begun to awaken, and the ideas of freedom and equality have gradually penetrated into the hearts of the people. More and more Chinese people yearn for democratic politics, and the day of ending the autocratic regime is not far away.
This will be a historic change of dynasty. A new democratic country will emerge. The feudal autocratic cycle of more than 2,000 years will finally end, and Chinese civilization will enter a new historical period.
This will mean that China will also move towards democratic politics.
July 1, 2023

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