People all over the world for peace and democracy、united! Go all out for a democratic China! Democracy、Freedom、Fairness、Rule by Law、Human Right、Better Life!
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Authorities in western China’s Sichuan province have detained a Tibetan man linked to a se... View all
ForumforDemocracy 发表人 Date
The Chinese Government Should Provide Good Educati By Jingji Jin 2006-5-12
The Blind Spot of the Chinese Economic Development By Xueming Fang 2006-5-12
China Democracy Party World Union By Xueming Fang 2006-5-12
China Needs Independent Opposition Parties Shuli Zhang 2006-4-14
The Strength of Chinese People Shuli Zhang 2006-4-14
A Good Environment Is Needed for Speaking Truth Shuli Zhang 2006-4-14
The real progress for a party Jianzhong Wang 2006-4-6
Mo, RunGang:Despotic Or Democracy Mo, RunGang 2006-3-28
Pay attention to migrant workers Zhongxin Fu 2006-3-27
Truth-Speaking Citizens Zhengmao Lin 2006-3-27
Democracy Is Going to Win, Autarchy Is Going to Fa Li Zhang 2006-3-24
The Method for Dictators to Oppose Democracy and H Yunhua Dong 2006-3-24
Carry on socialism,Whip the devil round the stump Yarong Xu 2006-3-20
The Truth about China Yanying Wang 2006-3-20
Mikhail Gorbachev Can’t Save China from Autocracy Xinrong Zhang 2006-3-20
Economy and Politics Xingju Ling 2006-3-20
Widespread Graft and Corruption Ling Xingju 2006-3-16
Chinese Communist Party is Senile and Moribund Zhenghu Piao 2006-3-16
It Is Reasonable to Attack Chinese Communist Party Zhiqiang Wang 2006-3-16
Traditional opinion with human rights opinion Xue Xiede 2006-3-15
There Are Legal System, Human Rights and Religious Guoqiang Sun 2006-3-15
Autocracy Needs Lies and Autarchy Needs Black Curt Bo Sun 2006-3-15
The Shameless People’s Congress Runlai Ji 2006-3-15
One Voice across the Country Peng Guo 2006-3-15
People suffering form the swelling bureaucracy Ning Chen 2006-3-15
Unachievable “Harmony” Meiying Lu 2006-3-14
China is the best place for corrupt officials Linlin Chen 2006-3-14
Democracy in Taiwan Linjing Zhang 2006-3-14
Feudalism impeded the development of capitalism in Lijun Yan 2006-3-14
The Most Shameless Political Circle Lianjun Hou 2006-3-14
The Shameless People’s Congress Runlai Ji 2006-3-13
People from the mainland need human rights most Cheng Qun Wu 2006-3-13
People suffering form the swelling bureaucracy Ning Chen 2006-3-13
Unachievable “Harmony” Meiying Lu 2006-3-13
China is the best place for corrupt officials Linlin Chen 2006-3-13
Democracy in Taiwan Linjing Zhang 2006-3-13
Feudalism impeded the development of capitalism in Lijun Yan 2006-3-13
The Most Shameless Political Circle Lianjun Hou 2006-3-13
A Democratic Constitution Junmin Dong 2006-3-13
We must end the Dictatorship in China Jun Tong 2006-3-13
Establish Constitutional Government to Protect Cit Jinglin Xue 2006-3-13
In Memorial to Mr. Zhao Ziyang Jin Wang 2006-3-13
The incoming collapse of the communist regime Jibin Chen 2006-3-13
Human rights in the country turning over Lao Zhihao 2006-3-13
As a Shameful Nation Known Fangliang Dong 2006-3-13
Support Zhishen Gao Dunhao Jiang 2006-3-13
“Kingdom of Lies” Dongzhu Piao 2006-3-13
Strengthen the Consciousness of Civil Rights Chengji Deng 2006-3-13
China Communist Party will Fall? Jianling Zhang 2006-3-13
Cry for China’s human-right fighters Qingxiang Wang 2006-3-13
The Economic Depression in the Rural Area Chengji Deng 2006-3-13
“Streamlining and Downsizing” Chenghao Jin 2006-3-13
Village and Town Autonomy Could Change Ordinary Pe Rimei Chen 2006-3-13
Wealthy Government Officials Chao Hu 2006-3-13
The CCP Should Stop its Persecution toward Disside Song Wang 2006-3-13
The Method for Dictators to Oppose Democracy and H Yunhua Dong 2006-3-13
Zhang, Shuli: A good environment is a necessity to Zhang, Shuli 2006-2-28
A Good Environment Is Needed for Speaking Truth CDP 2006-2-28
Mo, RunGang: Fighting Terrorism Is Not an Excuse f Mo, RunGang 2005-11-12
Zhang, Shuli: Those Who Lose Future Hope and Confi CDP 2005-10-6
Zhang, Shuli:China Needs Independent Opposition Pa CDP 2005-10-4
Zhang, Shuli:The Strength of Chinese People CDP 2005-10-3
Mo, RunGang: Internal Notice Before CPPCC & NPC Mo, RunGang 2005-4-12
Jin Wang: Unfair Educational System CDP 2005-3-1
Jin Wang: Poverty Spirit-----Chinese Education has CDP 2005-3-1
Jin Wang: How far is the poverty area away from th CDP 2004-12-13
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中国民主党           主席:王军    China Democracy Party    Chairman: Wang, Jun
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